7 Big Movies That Almost Starred Henry Cavill (He Was in the Running to Play 3 DC Heroes Before Superman)

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7 Big Movies That Almost Starred Henry Cavill (He Was in the Running to Play 3 DC Heroes Before Superman)

Henry Cavill‘s charm, chiseled good looks and acting chops have helped him build a career as a fan-favorite star in Hollywood.

He famously embodied Superman in the DC Universe and was even planning to reprise the role before some rebranding changed plans.

Outside of DC, Henry‘s known for project’s like Netflix’s The Witcher and so much more, and his newest movie The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare premieres this week!

Henry‘s hit it big and is beloved in the industry. But like any other actor, he’s been in the running for some major roles that he did not end up landing. We did some digging and found seven examples of A-list projects that Henry was attached to over the years.

Interestingly, for at least two of them he was deemed to be too old for the part. It was decided that he was too young for another. We rounded up everything we know about each missed opportunity for you to check out!

Scroll through the slideshow to see what movies Henry Cavill almost starred in…

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