76th Christiansborg Crossroads shooting incident marked in Accra

4 months ago 27

 A solemn ceremony was held in Accra yesterday to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the February 28 Christiansborg Crossroads shoot­ing incident.

The annual ceremony honours ex-servicemen who died during a peaceful 1948 march to the Osu Castle to demand unpaid allow­ances under the British governor, Gerald Creasy.

Students scribbling down some notes after the wreath-laying ceremony
Photo: Godwin Ofosu-Acheampong• Students scribbling down some notes after the wreath-laying ceremony • Photo: Godwin Ofosu-Acheampong

Unfortunately, colonial police opened fire, resulting in the death of Sergeant Adjetey, Corporal Attipoe, and Private Odartey Lamptey.

The remembrance ceremony, held at the Freedom Monument near Independence Square, featured a parade by the Ghana Armed Forces and the Ghana Police Service.

The Vice President, Dr Ma­hamudu Bawumia, along with the head of security agencies, including Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Thomas Oppong-Peprah, and the In­spector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, marked the event.

Other dignitaries includ­ed Chairman of the Veterans Administration Ghana, Ma­jor-General (rtd) Clayton Banuba Yaache, and Osu Alata Mantse Nii Kwabena Boni V.

In addition to a roll call of veterans, a minute’s silence was observed, followed by the laying of wreaths for the fallen soldiers.

The Vice President laid a wreath on behalf of the gov­ernment and Ghanaians, Major Oppong-Peprah on behalf of the security services, and Major-General (rtd) Yaache on behalf of the veterans.

Nii Boni V represented tradi­tional authorities and communi­ties, while Nii Cornelius Adjetey, a relative of the late Sergeant Adjetey, laid the final wreath for the fallen soldiers.

On February 28, 1948, an unarmed ex-servicemen’s march in Accra took a tragic turn when confronted by armed policemen at the Christiansborg crossroads.

Superintendent Imray, leading the police, ordered the ex-ser­vicemen to disperse. When met with defiance, he gave the order to open fire, resulting in the death of the three.

The incident became a catalyst for anti-colonial movements, sparking demands for justice and accountability.

In response, the British gov­ernment established a committee to investigate, with the commit­tee’s findings recommending a political shift that set the stage for the Gold Coast to achieve independence.


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