Adam Copeland: It Didn’t Take Long To Reconcile With Matt Hardy, The Fan Base Took Longer

4 months ago 36

Adam Copeland always had trust in Matt Hardy, despite the pair’s tumultuous past.

While in WWE, Copeland had an affair with Lita, who was Hardy’s girlfriend at the time. This eventually led to Hardy being fired (and eventually rehired) for a heated feud against Edge.

This included three matches, ending in a cage match on Raw in 2005. Hardy hit a huge leg drop from the top of the cage on Copeland, ending the feud with a win over the Rated-R Superstar.

Adam Copeland spoke with Chris Van Vliet, where he was asked about taking the leg drop from Matt Hardy. He said he had faith in Hardy to perform the move well, and that those moves are usually worse on the wrestler doing them.

“Even with everything that him and I had been through, that was never a doubt in my mind, you know? We’d all worked with each other so much, and we all just had natural chemistry with each other. Um, and you’re pros, you know? So you just, you’ve got to have a lot of faith in a person. You’ve got to have a lot of trust in a person. And, generally speaking, those moves are usually worse on the person doing them. Yeah, you just got to lie there and just… okay.”

Adam Copeland: It Didn’t Take Long To Reconcile With Matt Hardy

Adam Copeland continued to talk about his past with Matt Hardy. He was asked how the rivalry between the two came, and how long things went back to being normal between the two.

“We’re here, right? Okay. So, how do we try and pull some positives out of a lousy situation, a lousy situation that I made the bed, right? Um, and that’s really all you can do. It’s like, okay, we’re here now, let’s try. And, you know, if the company wants to run with this, let’s try and make a good story out of this, a good program out of this, let’s try and make some money out of this. Um, because at that stage, what else are you going to do?”

“Uh, so that’s really what it boils down to: okay, right, put the personal aside and try and make some business out of this. And hopefully, hopefully on the tail end of it, we can both come out of it better. In a perfect world, that doesn’t always end up being the case, though.”

“Honestly, it wasn’t that long. I think kind of once we went through that and once we both realized, ‘Oh okay, still the same guys and still have the same chemistry, still have the same everything.’ Um, so, you know, I feel like the fan base took a lot longer to come around to the idea that we were okay than we did. Um, it was pretty quickly. You just got to move on.”

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