The cast of Megalopolis took to the red carpet at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival on Thursday (May 16) to attend the movie’s premiere. Adam Driver and Aubrey Plaza were just two members of the cast to pose for photos with director Francis Ford Coppola at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France. For the occasion, Aubrey looked chic in a long-sleeved gown with a bejeweled necklace. Adam opted for a white blazer with a bowtie and dark pants. Keep reading to find out more… They were joined at the event by costars Nathalie Emmanuel, Chloe Fineman, D. B. Sweeney, Giancarlo Esposito, Laurence Fishburne, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Voight, Grace VanderWaal, Kathryn Hunter and Talia Shire. Francis‘ granddaughter Romy Croquet was also present. We’ve got photos of them all in the gallery. FYI: Aubrey is wearing custom Loewe and Casadei shoes. Adam is wearing Burberry. Nathalie is wearing custom Chanel Haute Couture. Chloe is wearing Celine. Grace is wearing vintage Cinema by Lanos Zinas. Check out the trailer for Megalopolis! Scroll through all of the photos of the cast of Megalopolis at the movie’s premiere…
Photos: Getty
Posted to: 2024 Cannes Film Festival, Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza, Cannes Film Festival, Chloe Fineman, D.B. Sweeney, francis ford coppola, Giancarlo Esposito, Grace VanderWaal, Jon Voight, Kathryn Hunter, Laurence Fishburne, Megalopolis, Movies, Nathalie Emmanuel, Romy Croquet, Shia LaBeouf, Talia Shire