Adom TV set to launch Nsoromma Season 6 at West Hills Mall 

5 months ago 50


Music enthusiasts and fans of Adom TV‘s Nsoromma are gearing up for an exciting event as Season 6 is set to launch at West Hills Mall on January 28th at 3:30 pm.

The highly-anticipated Nsromma Season 6 will showcase the top 30 contestants from various regions, with eliminations leading up to the final 10.

The launch promises to be a star-studded affair, with performances by some of Ghana’s top music acts, including Obaapa Christy and Keche.

Past Nsoromma winners, including Righteous Vandyke, Victor Twum Ampofo, and Abrantie, will also take the stage to entertain the crowd, adding a touch of nostalgia and celebrating the success of the show’s past events.

Nsoromma has been a flagship program for Adom TV since its inception, providing a platform for young music talents to showcase their skills, be tested, and ultimately be crowned winners.

The show not only serves as a stepping stone for these budding artistes but also cements their place in the music industry by offering them significant opportunities for performance and promotion.

The ultimate prizes awarded to the winners go a long way in boosting their careers and propelling them into the limelight.

With the show hosted by the talented Jerry Justice, this year’s Nsoromma promises to be out of this world, offering a unique blend of talent, entertainment, and competition.

Fans are encouraged to arrive early to avoid traffic and ensure they don’t miss a moment of the excitement.

The launch is just the beginning of what is expected to be a thrilling and unforgettable season.

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