AEW All In: Young Bucks vs. FTR vs. The Acclaimed Result

1 month ago 17

Unlike last year, the Young Bucks were able to leave AEW All In with the World Tag Team Titles this afternoon.

The finish saw Matthew and Nicholas Jackson hit Dax Harwood with the EVP Trigger to retain their titles via pinfall.

After the match, The Grizzled Young Veterans arrive and face off with the Young Bucks who leave the ring. GYV then proceeded to attack FTR.

AEW All In results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

The Young Bucks wear gear that is a nod to The Beatles and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Harwood and Caster start the bout and feel each other out. Tensions rise, as FTR and The Acclaimed argue. The Young Bucks get chased into the ring, and they are promptly clotheslined over the ropes. The Acclaimed double-team Wheeler. Jackson takes control with a flying lariat.

The Young Bucks double-team Wheeler and isolate him. Wheeler rallies with an uppercut. He slams Matthew Jackson, and Bowens tags in. Bowens fires up with a flurry of offense. The Acclaimed hit Scissor Me Timbers on the Young Bucks. Harwood tags in and suplexes Bowens. He dumps Caster with a German suplex. He suplexes Matthew Jackson as well. Harwood suplexes both Young Bucks at the same time. Everyone is down after stereo clotheslines. Harwood spikes Matthew with a DDT. The Young Bucks take control again, but Wheeler blocks a double-team. FTR hits Shatter Machine, but the referee gets pulled out of the ring. Nicholas Jackson superkicks Gunn.

The closing moments…

Nicholas hits a facebuster on Harwood and a DDT on Bowens. Wheeler breaks up the EVP Trigger. Caster and Matthew hit Harwood with an EVP Trigger. He also helps Wheeler hit a Shatter Machine. The Young Bucks both kick The Acclaimed below the belt. They superkick the duo. Matthews gets the title belt, but Gunn stops him and his a Fameasser. The Acclaimed hit Matthew with The Arrival. Wheeler takes out The Acclaimed with a dive to the outside. Nicholas hits Harwood with a title for a two-count. The Bucks hit Harwood with the EVP Trigger for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

READ MORE: Dax Harwood Reflects On 4 Year Anniversary, Says Defense Of AEW Comes From A Place Of Love And Passion

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right team leave AEW All In with the World Tag Team Titles? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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