AEW Collision Results – August 3, 2024

1 month ago 22


Date: August 3, 2024

Location: Esports Stadium Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re still in Texas with the Arlington residency and things have gone well enough so far. This show is coming off a Dynamite which wasn’t as eventful as recent weeks but that doesn’t mean things are going to be weaker this time around. Hopefully it can follow the successful Collision formula so let’s get to it.

Here is the Patriarchy, with Christian Cage holding all of the belts, to get things going. Cage tells the fans to shut up while he conducts his business and can’t wait to get on his private plane to get out of here. He brags about winning the Trios Titles, which are a vehicle to get to the World Title. They aren’t belts but rather titles, because a belt holds your pants up or beats an unruly child. For now though, it is time to present the Patriarchy with their titles.

Nick Wayne is a prodigy and Killswitch is Cage’s finisher….but Killswitch didn’t give birth to a prodigy, so Mother Wayne gets his belt instead. Killswitch grabs Cage but here is the House Of Black to interrupt. Cage only sees two of them so no, they can’t be #1 contenders. Cage thinks they want some fatherly advice but the lights go out and here is Buddy Matthews to chase the Patriarchy off. Cue the Bang Bang Gang to cut them off and Kip Sabian sends Nick back inside for the beating.

Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs talk about their partnership and families’ history. Sammy Guevara comes in to say he wants to team with them and earn their trust because they’re Texas legends. Dustin shakes his hand.

Mistico/Hologram vs. Premiere Athletes

Hologram takes Daivari down to start and snaps off a hurricanrana into a dropkick to keep Daivari in trouble. It’s off to Mistico for a springboard high crossbody into something like Silly String. The luchadors tease dives but get in a stereo pose instead.

We take a break and come back with Mistico fighting out of a chinlock and hitting the double handspring elbow to drop the Athletes. It’s back to Hologram to pick up the pace with a hammerlock faceplant getting two on Daivari. Nese is back in with his pumphandle driver for two on Hologram with Mistico making the save. Hologram dives onto Mark Sterling (the fans approve) and Mistico hits a springboard missile dropkick on Nese. Hologram hits a big rope walk flip dive (taking out Mistico as well), setting up a 450 to finish Daivari at 9:40.

Result: Mistico/Hologram b. Premiere Athletes – 450 to Daivari (9:40)

We look at Bryan Danielson not being pleased with Jeff Jarrett and setting up their match on Dynamite.

Mariah May comes out for commentary during Toni Storm’s match but here is Storm to dive onto May for the brawl (McGuinness: “SHE’S GONE FULL NORMA DESMOND!”).

Toni Storm vs. Rache Chanel

Chanel uses the distraction to jump Storm, who hits the Hip Attack and Storm Zero for the pin at 57 seconds.

Result: Toni Storm b. Rache Chanel – Storm Zero (0:57)

Kyle Fletcher talks about his friendship with Will Osprey, which is why he stood up to MJF.

We look at MJF coming to CMLL for an American Title defense.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Brian Cage

Don Callis is on commentary. They fight over a lockup to start with Cage kneeing him down but getting sent to the floor. The big dive takes him out again as Callis praises Fletcher (and himself) as much as he can. They go to the ramp for a running cannonball from Fletcher as we take a break. Back with Cage slamming him off the top but the Drill Claw (Callis: “This move scares me.”) is countered into a small package. Fletcher’s piledriver finishes at 6:01.

Result: Kyle Fletcher b. Brian Cage – Piledriver (6:01)

Post match Fletcher challenges MJF to put the title on the line in their match. MJF pops up on screen and says he doesn’t like Fletcher’s accent so let’s make it an eliminator match instead. This sends us to a break, maybe five minutes after we came back from the previous break.

Bryan Danielson is having Wheeler Yuta go after his neck in training because he knows Swerve Strickland is coming for it at All In.

Jay Lethal and company cut off Jeff Jarrett, who says no one got what they wanted but he’s ready for Bryan Danielson on Dynamite. Danielson needs to get ready for Swerve Strickland so let’s make it anything goes.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Lee Moriarty

For a Continental Title shot and Shane Taylor is here with Moriarty. They do the circle strike to start with Moriarty being shouldered down, leaving Ishii and Castagnoli to trade shoulders. Moriarty is back in with a dropkick to both of them but Castagnoli stomps him down in the corner. Back up and Moriarty dropkicks him out to the floor, setting up the dive as we take a break.

We come back with an exchange of German suplexes and everyone is down. Castagnoli and Ishii are both up to slug it out until Castagnoli Swings Moriarty. Ishii is back in but gets rolled up by Moriarty. Castagnoli makes a save and slugs it out with Ishii again. Moriarty rolls both of them up and gets the Border City Stretch on Ishii, who has to make the rope. Castagnoli plants Moriarty so Ishii makes a save of his own, leaving Castagnoli to uppercut Moriarty for the pin at 10:31.

Result: Claudio Castagnoli b. Tomohiro Ishii and Lee Moriarty – Uppercut to Moriarty (10:31)

Top Flight, now with Leila Grey as their attendant, is interrupted by the MxM Collection. They don’t like Grey’s gear and pose.

Thunder Rosa vs. Taya Valkyrie

Johnny TV is here with Taya. An early TV distraction lets Taya jump her to start and the rope choking is on. Taya stomps away and kicks her in the back but Rosa is up with a running corner clothesline. The sliding lariat sends Taya outside and we take a break. Back with Rosa unloading with forearms on Taya and scoring with some dropkicks. Taya strikes away but gets double stomped for two. Johnny pulls Taya out and the distraction lets Taya score with a spear for two. Rosa dropkicks Johnny through the ropes and pulls Taya into the seated cobra clutch for the win at 7:50.

Result: Thunder Rosa b. Taya Valkyrie – Seated cobra clutch (7:50)

Post match Rosa calls out Deonna Purrazzo, who mocks Rosa for all of her losses. Rosa issues the challenge for a Texas Bullrope match next week.

Darby Allin/FTR/Mark Briscoe vs. Beast Mortos/Undisputed Kingdom

Harwood and Strong start things off with Harwood grabbing a headlock. That doesn’t last long as Strong is back up with some chops but Harwood armdrags him into an armbar. Wheeler comes in to grab a hammerlock and the good guys get to take turns on the arm. Strong manages a quick shot though and it’s off to Bennett to chop it out with Harwood. Taven comes in to take over on Briscoe, who quickly brainbusters him for a breather.

It’s off to Allin for a headlock into a cradle for two as the fast tags continue. Mortos comes in (the fans approve) to drop Wheeler with a clothesline. Briscoe tries to go after Mortos but the referee holds him back, leaving Wheeler to chop it out with Strong. Wheeler gets dropkicked to the floor for the big beatdown as we take a break. Back with Wheeler hitting a middle rope bulldog for a needed breather. Strong is smart enough to take out Wheeler’s partners but the tag brings Briscoe in a few seconds later anyway.

Briscoe gets to clean house but has to slip out of the Proton pack. A Razor’s Edge/neckbreaker combination into the Froggy Bow gets two on Taven with Strong making the save. Mortos hits a huge suicide dive, followed by a twisting Swanton for two on Harwood. Strong comes back in but Harwood gets in a double clothesline for the double knockdown.

Bennett Death Valley Drivers Briscoe on the apron as everything breaks down. Mortos strikes away at Harwood until another double knockdown allows the tag back to Allin. House is quickly cleaned as Briscoe and Mortos knock each other down on the floor. Strong gets sent into the barricade but Taven lets go of the Hail Mary to go after Wheeler for some reason. Allin breaks up another Hail Mary attempt before he and Wheeler hit stereo suicide dives. The PowerPlex into the Froggy Bow into the Coffin Drop finishes Taven at 18:56.

Result: Darby Allin/Mark Briscoe/FTR b. Beast Mortos/Undisputed Kingdom – Coffin Drop to Taven (18:56)

Post match Harwood grabs the mic to say how much he loves everything here and calls his team the heart and soul of AEW. Cue the Acclaimed to say not so fast because FTR wasn’t in Blood & Guts last week. They don’t care about FTR’s legacy because the Acclaimed is the real heart and soul around here. The challenge is made for the tag match but Mark Briscoe breaks it up, saying this is what the Young Bucks want. Harwood extends his hand but Billy Gunn won’t let it happen. Gunn and the Acclaimed leave to end the show.


Mistico/Hologram b. Premiere Athletes – 450 to Daivari

Toni Storm b. Rache Chanel – Storm Zero

Kyle Fletcher b. Brian Cage – Piledriver

Claudio Castagnoli b. Lee Moriarty and Tomohiro Ishii – Uppercut to Moriarty

Thunder Rosa b. Taya Valkyrie – Seated cobra clutch

FTR/Darby Allin/Mark Briscoe b. Beast Mortos/Undisputed Kingdom – Coffin Drop to Taven

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