AEW Women's Champion Mariah May Narrowly Escapes Dynamite With Title

1 month ago 16



 Mariah May holds up a bloody shoe she used to batter Toni Storm on the stage during an episode of AEW TV.

AEW/Lee South

AEW Women's Champion Mariah May was successful in her first title defense since defeating former mentor "Timeless" Toni Storm for the belt at All In at Wembley Stadium, but Nyla Rose put up a good fight against "The Glamour" on "AEW Dynamite." May started off the match slapping Rose around, and Rose was not amused. She picked up May to attempt a Death Valley Driver, but May was able to escape. Rose hit a crossbody and mocked the champion. Rose attempted to drape May over the top rope, but May countered with a dropkick. "The Glamour" hit a big elbow strike to her opponent, but Rose countered with a German suplex and a vicious clothesline. 


May went for a crossbody, but Rose rolled through and hit a powerslam on May. The champion rolled out of the ring and held on briefly to referee Aubrey Edwards' leg while Rose went to the ring steps. May, who was playing possum, swept Rose's legs out from underneath her, sending her crashing onto the steps, then May followed up with a running knee. Rose was able to beat the count of 10, but May hit another running knee, then followed up with the Storm Zero for the victory.

Following the match, May celebrated with her championship in the ring. Despite being less than three days away from All Out in Chicago, May and the AEW Women's Championship have not been announced for the card.



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