Afenyo-Markin takes over  …calls for collaboration with Minority

4 months ago 25

Newly installed Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for Effutu, Alexander Afen­yo-Markin, has called for collab­oration between the Majority and Minority caucuses of the House to drive the agenda of Parliament.

According to Mr Afenyo-Mar­kin, it is only through bipartisan­ship that legislative dividends could be enjoyed by the Ghanaian citizen.

In his inaugural address to the Parliament after assuming his seat on Friday, the third term MP extended a hand of cooperation to his opposite colleague and assured the House of his commitment to promoting unity and peace in the legislature.

“Honourable Minority Leader, let me assure you that we are going to have a time of bipartisanship. I want to assure you of my com­mitment…we are going to work together because the happiness and the unity of this House shall mate­rially depend on me and I cannot afford to allow rancour to prevail,” he stated.

As political actors, the Majority Leader said the jostling for the fa­vour of the electorate, especially in an election year like this, would be keen but same must be done with the welfare of the people at heart.

“Mr Speaker, the crux of my message is this: Yes, let us contest keenly for the people’s votes out there, but within these hallowed walls and on this floor, let our actions and deliberations reflect our unwavering commitment to the welfare of the people.

“Our quest for political capital must not overshadow the pressing needs of our nation. The road ahead calls for heightened cooper­ation between the Minority and the Majority,” he said.

That collaboration and the welfare of the people at the centre of what they do as lawmakers, Mr Afenyo-Markin said was crucial to the realisation of their representa­tive roles.

“This unity of purpose is essential for realising the mandate entrusted to us by the people of Ghana. I dare say that the dangers of politicising every issue must be consciously avoided.

 We must strive to build greater consensus, foster intimate dialogue, and engender a spirit of biparti­sanship that is focused on national development,” he stated.

The outgone majority leader and MP for Suame, Osei Kyei-Men­sah-Bonsu, meanwhile, has rallied support for his successor and the new leadership as he enjoyed as leader of the caucus over the last seven years.

Announcing his resignation as majority leader at plenary of Friday, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, a sev­enth-term lawmaker, underscored the importance of unity in the caucus to the course of parliament and the government.

“I thank my colleagues for always being there for me and the course of the party and govern­ment, and I will entreat my col­leagues to offer the same assistance and support to my successor in order to successfully prosecute the millennium agenda of governance.”

On his part, the Minority Lead­er, Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, in his farewell message to the Suame MP urged him to avail his 27-plus years’ experience to the legislature.

“As he leaves the Majority front

 bench now towards his final bow, my earnest wish is that he will be kind to avail his wealthy throve of experience and knowledge to mem­bers of this house from both sides, to tap into,” Dr Forson urged.

He expressed his readiness to work with new majority leadership which has Patricia Appiagyei, MP, Asokwa as Deputy Leader, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, Nsawam-Ado­agyiri, Chief Whip, Habib Iddrisu, Tolon, first Deputy Whip and Alex Tetteh Djornobuah, Sefwi Akontombra, second Deputy Whip.


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