Aftermath of fatal accident: Minister cautions Ofankor-Nsawam road drivers against recklessness

4 months ago 23

The Minister of Roads and High­ways, Mr Kwasi Amoako-Atta, has asked drivers who ply the Ofan­kor-Nsawam road to exercise some level of patience and also caution to ensure the safety of all.

The minister’s call follows an accident that occurred on Monday, February 5, 2024, around China Mall which claimed more than seven lives.

Portion of the road under constructionPortion of the road under construction

Speaking to the media after inspecting work on the road on Friday, Mr Amoako-Atta described the accident as a “needless” one, which could have been averted had the drivers of the vehicles involved exercised a little bit of patience.

“I’m saddened by the accident that happened on Monday, about a week ago on this stretch of the road that led to the loss of I think seven or more lives,” he said.

“I think all of us should take our destiny into our hands and we should be careful so that we don’t die unnecessarily,” Mr Amoako-At­ta urged.

The Ofankor-Nsawam section of the National Route Six (N6) serves as a major arterial road for communities in the Ga West Municipal Assembly, Pokuase, Amasaman, Medie, and Sarpeiman, among others.

It also serves as a vital link for trade between Ghana and its neighbouring landlocked countries – Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, and for transit of cargo to move from the country’s ports to those destinations.

Rehabilitation work on the 33.4km stretch, which also forms part of the Accra-Kumasi road network commenced in 2022, and expected to last for two years, end­ing in July 2024.

It is funded by the Government at a cost of GH¢342.48 and being constructed by Maripoma Enter­prise Limited, a local construction firm.

The minister was accompa­nied by some engineers from the Ministry and the Ghana Highways Authority (GHA), including Mr Stephen Jalulah, Deputy Minister of Roads; Mr Abass Awolu, Chief Director of the Ministry; Mr Col­lins Donkor, Acting Chief Exec­utive, GHA; Mr Samuel Akuaku, Acting Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Administration, GHA; Mr Lawrence Lamptey, a Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Main­tenance, GHA.

Mr Amoako-Atta, while extend­ing the Government’s condolences to affected families, he assured the residents they would ensure that all construction sites adhered to standard safety to prevent such occurrences.

Mr Kwabena Bempong, Chief Resident Engineer for the Ofan­kor-Nsawam Road Project, said the Contractor had put in place a number of safety measures, includ­ing regular watering of the road to reduce the dust and enhance visibility.

To ensure that, he said it had increased its water tankers from the previous 10 to 16 to fast-track the process.

Mr Bempong called on the Road Safety Authority to move in and help tow all broken down long vehicles by the sides of the road, which were impeding free vehicular movements to avert any unforeseen circumstances.

He also assured motorists who plied the stretch and residents of the area that the project would be completed as scheduled to alleviate their plights.

Currently, a two-lane dual carriageway road, the Ofan­kor-Nsawam Road Project, when completed would be three lanes, service roads, one interchange and two overpasses and one underpass.

Mr Bempong said, “presently, our progress is about 50 per cent and we are hoping that by the end of the year, we would have gone substantially complete.”

The minister also toured some road projects in the Greater Accra Region such as the Flowerpot Flyover and the yet to commence Adenta-Dodowa Road Project. – GNA

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