Akwamuhene tours Akosombo Industrial Company Ltd

3 months ago 22

The Ak­wamuhene, and President of the Akwamu Tradi­tional Council, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III, paid a working visit on Monday to the Akosombo Industrial Company Limited (AICL) (formerly Akosombo Textiles Limited) to familiarise himself with their operations, and be abreast with the develop­ments and investments.

Odeneho and his entourage embarked on an extensive tour of the Akosombo Textiles fac­tory. Here he inspected some of its recently installed machin­ery, and especially applauded the management for being sustainability-conscious and installing a biomass boiler.

That the company now uses an environmentally friendly option to generate its steam to run its production activities, according to Odeneho was very commendable.

In addition to other invest­ments, the entourage stopped at the newly installed state-of-the-art printing machine to observe the production on the line.

According to factory man­ager, Mr Kenneth Asare, the machine could produce over one million yards a month and its product quality would be at the level needed to compete more robustly both locally and internationally.

Speaking later at a meeting held in the factory to round off his tour, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III stated “A lot of work has been done and this is com­mendable.

“Despite the challenges, I en­courage all stakeholders to sup­port the management team to ensure that Akosombo Textiles is returned to its full glory.”

On his part, the Chief Exec­utive Officer (CEO) of AICL, Mr Kofi Boateng, thanked Odeneho and his entourage for the working visit and for being a consistent source of encour­agement and support.

He reiterated management’s commitment to the growth and sustenance of the business and to working with the workers’ union to address all pending issues.

Present at the interaction and meeting were some members of staff, union executives, and management.

Established in 1967, Ako­sombo Industrial Company Limited – AICL (formerly Akosombo Textiles Ltd) began the modern textile industry in Ghana with a well-equipped factory in Akosombo and sales and administrative offices in Accra.


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