Andersen: The Windsors are ‘indifferent’ to Prince Harry, they’re ‘freezing him out’

4 months ago 24

It has been two weeks of non-stop tantrums from King Charles and his palace courtiers. The instigating incident was Prince Harry’s spokesperson issuing a simple statement saying that Harry would not see his father during his visit to London because of the king’s schedule. Charles was still throwing a massive hissy fit about it during the Sussexes’ entire Nigerian tour, and the tantrum spilled into last week as well. The palace blatantly lied to reporters as they briefed against Harry, and then, to top it off, the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour was a huge success. So Charles and Prince William were both super-salty about that too, and reportedly, the palace is looking for ways to limit the Sussexes’ travels and/or encourage commonwealth countries to not invite the Sussexes. All of the reporters and monarchist commentators were in lockstep, because they were all getting the same message from the palace: the king is furious about Harry and hellbent on snubbing him, lying about him, blocking him from coming to the UK, blocking him from traveling full-stop. Not so fast, says Christopher Andersen. It looks like the palace is now going to pretend that they didn’t lose their f–king minds for a fortnight.

King Charles III and Prince William have put up a united front to keep their distance from Prince Harry. The claim was made by Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” following the Duke of Sussex’s recent trip to Nigeria alongside his wife Meghan Markle.

“They have chosen to ignore Harry, to freeze him out, and to not let him get under their skin when they are facing so many critical challenges,” Andersen claimed. “In a way, I think that is even sadder. It’s been said that hate isn’t the opposite of love – indifference is.”

From May 10-12, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the West African nation for the first time on the invitation of its military.

“The King and Prince William are not surprised when Harry makes trips abroad, even when Meghan accompanies him,” Andersen told Fox News Digital. “And I don’t get the sense they begrudge Harry [for] his ties to Africa. Charles and William have crossed Harry off their list for a plethora of reasons, but making a brief trip with one reporter and one photographer in tow isn’t one of them.”

Royal author Tom Quinn recently told the UK’s Mirror that the king and his heir were “furious” about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s trip to Nigeria. Andersen said he wasn’t buying that.

“One reporter and one photographer do not a royal tour make,” Andersen explained. “Harry and Meghan have significantly scaled back their entourage. They have also sought to make their appearances abroad seem as informal and unofficial-looking as possible. My sense is that they are taking pains not to appear as if they are overstepping their bounds.”

“Right now, the royal family is united in its determination to act as if Harry and Meghan don’t exist,” Andersen continued. “One hopes that won’t last forever, and that either William or the king will be courageous and far-sighted enough to take the olive branch Harry repeatedly extends to them. Finding a legitimate part-time royal role for Harry and his family could be a huge shot in the arm for the monarchy at a time when the royals need all the help they can get. But at the moment, it’s not looking good.”

[From Fox News]

This is probably the start of the royalists beginning to walk back all of the crazy sh-t that they said, all part of the Windsors’ belief that people are really fooled by their revisionist history. We all saw the panic and rage coming from Charles and his people as soon as Harry issued his statement two weeks ago. We saw the way Charles reacted, not with indifference, but with fury, pettiness and childish vindictiveness. That man started his garden party to coincide exactly with Harry’s Invictus service. That man wanted the headline to be “Harry all alone, snubbed by royals!” Then Charles got even angrier when the Spencers came out for Harry, and Charles was practically incandescent at the Sussexes’ successful Nigerian tour.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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