Ariana Madix & Katie Maloney Share Their Thoughts About 'Vanderpump Rules' Season 11 Reunion

4 months ago 25

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney are airing their post-reunion thoughts.

The 38-year-old and 37-year-old Vanderpump Rules star spoke out about how the Season 11 reunion went down during an appearance on the Disrespectfully podcast.

“People who were like, ‘oh, I wish that she would have watched the whole season because then she would have been coming in guns blazing with this person or that person,’” she began.

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“The thing is is that I wouldn’t have. I saw plenty of clips online…I went there, I flew in, stayed at Katie‘s and then literally got on a plane that night after the reunion to fly back and do two shows the next day. I was doing my best to show up, but at the same time…I don’t have that strong of feelings…I don’t think it would have changed anything about how I responded to things,” she continued.

“I mean, you do see me talk about the things I felt strongly about, but other stuff I’m like…am I really gonna sit there and like correct every little lie? No, I’m not gonna do that…I’m at a point now I feel like something that’s changed for me as a person over my almost 39 years…what you say about me, you can think that. I don’t care because it doesn’t change my life, or doesn’t change who I am, if you think that about me, especially if you’re not a part of my life on a day to day basis.”

“Like I could sit there and I could correct it and I could be like, ‘actually no’ and like get into it, but it’s like…for what? Who would I be doing that for?”

“I hated the ending of it all. I hated that they waited to show us that five minutes, because I was like, this feels mean. It’s just mean towards Ariana. That wasn’t for any of us. There’s nothing shocking in it for any of us. It was only mean towards one person,” Katie added of the season’s conclusion.

“Here’s the thing that’s so stupid: I gave them the best f-cking ending to what that season could have had in that moment by leaving, ’cause it was real. It was real and it was exciting to watch. If you literally are only looking at it from a perspective of good reality TV, I gave you good reality TV,” Ariana said.

Find out whether the show will be returning for Season 12.

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When this airs it’ll be the day after I think the last part of the reunion is there anything you care to talk about from the reunion or even the season? Like I’m asking because I know it’s not something you typically like to talk about but people are gonna want us to at least ask so like, is there anything that you wanna clarify say smile from the reunion? Just kidding um, from the reunion or the season general like people were who were like, oh, I wish that you she would have watched the whole season because then she would have been coming in guns blazing with this person or that person and the thing is is that I wouldn’t have yeah, I saw plenty of clips online I still feel like there was some stuff that you didn’t see or like seeing yeah, in a hole would have maybe I feel like I still I mean listen, I went there I flew in stayed at Katie’s and then literally got on a plane that night after the reunion to fly back and do two shows the next day you know, I was doing my best to like be to like show up but at the same time it was like I just don’t I don’t have that strong of feelings about like I don’t think it would have changed anything about like how I responded to things because I also was like I really like don’t feel Even like if I feel deeply about something, I mean, what you do see me talk about the things I felt strongly about, but other stuff I’m like, am I really gonna sit there and like correct every little lie interject the whole no, I’m not gonna do that. Yeah, it’s it’s kinda like it feels like a losing battle. Yeah, I’m at a point now I feel like something that’s change for me as a person over my 30 almost 39 years as I’ve become a little bit like what you say about me, you can think that I don’t care cause like it doesn’t really it doesn’t change my life or doesn’t change who I am if you think that about me, especially if you’re not a part of my life really on a day to day basis right? So it’s like most of like what’s being said like I could sit there and I could correct it and I could be like, actually no and like get into it but it’s like for what? Who would I be doing that for? So I was like, yeah, I feel yeah, I was gonna say, is there anything else for you like in the same breath, I mean, I feel like when it’s at the reunion, I don’t like to sit and scream and yell, especially if like you’re not gonna let me talk you’re not gonna let me finish you’re not gonna let me answer then what’s the Point you know if I was gonna bring up three different instances that happened over the course of a year and a half that aren’t necessarily related to one another and give me whiplash I’m gonna try to answer and then I have Tom Schwartz trying to talk to me and she tried to talk to me and I’m like which one are we starting with because none of this is has anything to do with and all all of it’s only being brought up to try to make me look like a shitty person it just felt like I so I was just kind of like you know what fuck this I hated the ending of it all I hated that they waited to show us that five minutes because I was like this feels mean and it’s just mean towards Ariana like that wasn’t for any of us like there’s nothing shocking in it for any of us it was just it was only mean towards one person what were your thoughts on that of like them doing that of waiting until the end of the union to show you guys the last few minutes and by the way I said before that I you and you were like I know what’s gonna happen this season they’re gonna try and give me a bad arc and like give Thomas redemption whatever and I was like I don’t really see that like maybe a little bit you were so Fucking right and like they didn’t do a good job of it. It was ridiculous. But no, they didn’t they thought they ate several times and I was like, oh, that didn’t didn’t land did not do what they thought. But when that happened like what were you thinking like as you’re watching it and after you left the reunion, did it really settle in more that like what the fuck just happened? Well, you see me mouth like what the fuck I think to Sheena, which was literally like, oh, so this is what they’re doing. This is why they said like, oh, you guys don’t have cause they even when they emailed the episodes, you’ll notice that you don’t have but then they didn’t really say why and so I was like, oh, so it felt like honestly, I agree with you. It felt very pointed towards me. It felt like, well, we have her trapped in this room now so we didn’t get what we wanted to get this like some sort of tearful whatever the hell we didn’t get to break her down IRL in the moment so we’re gonna retaliate by doing that right now in a place where she’s contractually obligated to be here and try to force this moment now. Yeah, and that’s like great, I cried you guys happy now? Yeah, it was it just felt mean like it didn’t affect me. It didn’t affect anyone else in the way That was gonna affect her. So it’s like, okay, and honestly, here’s the thing that’s so stupid. I gave them the best fucking ending to what that season could have had in that moment by leaving cause it was real. It was real and it was exciting to watch. if you literally are only looking at it from a perspective of like good reality TV. I gave you good reality TV. Yeah, standing there. You know what I mean? That this like conversation that was like being this like fake thing manufactured manufactured yeah. Thing that was like wanting to be had would have been a boring cap to a boring ass season. Will it be honest alternative to everything that anyone was saying of just like being authentic. Talk about Mike, I don’t authenticity right here. The authenticity is always there. I don’t have fake fights. I don’t say create drama. I did have one sort of fake fight. Well, I don’t make but the thing is I don’t I don’t make a good show. I just am honest about what’s happening in my life that moment. I’m not like, oh, let me rehash a fight or a feeling that I had six months ago cause that would be a really good TV moments like, well, too bad we weren’t filming back then, right? But like what’s happening right now, you know, it’s like I’m gonna be I’m down to like show it all what’s happening right now. It’s like if you don’t wanna show it, if you’re not gonna air it, there’s nothing I can do about it. Yeah, if there was like a situation where we’re like, look, me and you are in on this together, we’re gonna kind of like lean into certain things to like, you know, make it a little bit more fun, that’s fine. But as far as like real life stuff, that’s always been real and authentic for me and I can’t fake that. And so when I’m being told to like, like, what did I not show you? I showed you my like storage unit of a fucking bedroom. I showed you like the how if you watch the season, you don’t see that how low I am during the whole time. Like you need glasses. Like I showed all of that stuff and if there’s stuff that they filmed and then decided not to air that has nothing to do with me, but I gave it all. Yeah, I even had to like convince Stan to film Facetimes. He was like, I don’t wanna do that. I was like, please, what were they expecting to happen? Like, okay, so you guys six months after your partner of 10 years does this horrific thing to you, you’re gonna sit down with him at the season finale and hold hands I do know they wanted they wanted or they wanted the Christian Miami conversation redux like 2.0 the Tearful apology and which animal but that’s the thing is like the tearful apology is the two seconds later turn on it. That’s why I’ll never that’s why it’s never a thing cause like there is no you know it’s like 2 2 seconds after that it turns on a dime so you can’t ever trust it anyway. So what’s the point having it? and then the other thing about Dan is I’m it’s very frustrating to me. Hi Dan. Hey, miss you. The other thing about it is people point that out as if it’s gives reason for you to have moved on and like fuck you you’re dating someone why are you over it again, it was six months later. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t put your life on hold. and being over that person romantically does not mean that you’re over like the mind stuff that you went through. Yeah, yeah, exactly and still going through because I’m still having to deal with like all of it like I’m still having to I haven’t been there since September. I’m still having to deal with it. Well, and when people are like, she’s dating someone and she was still living in the house up until not that long ago up until last September I was living in the house which was like literally seconds after we stopped filming Vanderpump Rules I got into an Airbnb because correct. But even in that time you guys might Not have children together, but having a home, owning a home together, spent my life savings on it. He didn’t buy that house and you didn’t just move in with them. You guys bought that house together. That is a legal binding contract. I would say almost as complicated as a child. Like right below that maybe. So like the points people are making as to why your feelings were invalid were just real silly goose behavior.

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