At DUA forum in Accra: Let’s unite to strengthen democratic institutions …Veep to African political leaders

1 month ago 14

The Vice President, Dr Maha­mudu Bawumia, has called on political leaders and members of the Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) to unite to help strengthen democratic institutions on the continent.

The DUA is an alliance of the cen­tre-right political parties in Africa and also an affiliate regional body of the International Democrat Union.

He emphasised that the future of the continent hinged on their efforts and urged them to uphold the rule of law and ensure that every African has an opportu­nity to succeed.

• Dr Mahamadu Bawumia (middle) with some members of the Democrat Union of Africa• Dr Mahamadu Bawumia (middle) with some members of the Democrat Union of Africa

It is convened annually to address crit­ical emerging issues related to democracy and economic growth in Africa.

The forum held on the theme, “Strengthening Democratic Institutions for Political Stability: Crafting Africa’s Response” was organised by the DUA in partnership with the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Addressing the DUA forum in Accra last Thursday, Dr Bawumia said collective efforts of the DUA membership could create a model democracy for Africa.

The Vice President praised the align­ment of political parties through DUA to foster collaboration for a united, progres­sive, and prosperous Africa.

He also extended his best wishes to all political parties and candidates, including himself, as Ghana approaches its general elections in December.

Dr Bawumia noted Ghana’s democratic track record as a valuable case study of both successes and challenges in consol­idating democracy and hoped the forum would spark solution-oriented discussions to strengthen democratic institutions across the continent.

Reflecting on the challenges faced in Ghana’s democratic journey, Dr Bawumia reaffirmed his commitment to democrat­ic principles.

Former DUA Chairman, Peter Mac Manu, discussed the relationship be­tween democracy and prosperity, defining democracy as the cornerstone of modern governance that empowers citizens and ensures their fundamental rights and freedoms.

He highlighted that democracy was more than just periodic elections; it involved continuous citizen participation and accountability.

Co-Chairman of DUA, Louisa At­ta-Agyemang, for her part expressed ap­preciation to the leadership of the NPP for supporting the union, and that their dedication to public service, especially the commitment to youth empowerment, had been inspiring.

She reaffirmed the forum’s commit­ment to principles of transparency and accountability therefore acknowledging President Nana Akufo-Addo’s significant achievements in education, healthcare, and digitalisation, which have contributed to national development.

Participants at the forum were the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) in Uganda, Inkatha Freedom Party in South Africa, Unity Party in Liberia, PDCI-RDA in Ivory Coast, Popular Democratic Movement in Namibia, The Third Republic Party in Tunisia, The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) in Mozambique, Kenya African National Union in Kenya and RENAMO in Mozambique.

The rest were Forces Démocratiques Pour LaRépublique (FDR) in Togo, People’s Movement For Democratic Change (PMDC) in Sierra Leone, Peoples Democratic Party in Nigeria, the National Grand Coalition Party in Sierra Leone, UNITA in Angola, CHADEMA in Tan­zania, the Istiqlal Party in Morocco, Mala­wi Congress Party in Malawi, the ACDP in South Africa, the Democratic Party in Uganda, and Unión de Centro Derecha (UCD) in Equatorial Guinea.


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