Atlanta Bride Spends $1M On Wedding … Plays City Girls & Sexxy Red Throughout!

11 months ago 86

A wedding in Atlanta Georgia is going viral, after Media take Out learned that the reception cost an estimated $1 million.

Th bride and groom, both successful entrepreneurs – decided to blow a bag on their nuptials. The gorgeous bride had 7 different outfit changes throughout the night – and so did her groom.

Media Take Out learned that the couple spent $200,000 just on their seven outfits.

And it wasn’t just the outfits that were over the top. Media Take Out learned that the successful Atlanta couple dropped $150,000 on flowers and decor for the event. They also dropped another $75K on the event space.

The couple dropped another $300K on matching diamond wedding rings.

But he best part of the wedding – was the party. The bride and groom are both HUGE fans of hip hop …. and they had the City Girls and Sexyy Red playing all night while the bridal party twerked the night away.

Here’s video from the wedding:

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