Axiom And Nathan Frazer Win NXT Tag Team Titles At NXT No Mercy, Ridge Holland Turns On Chase U

1 month ago 10

A new pair of NXT World Tag Team Champions were crowned at NXT No Mercy, and Ridge Holland turned on his former friends.

The duo of Nathan Frazer and Axiom stunned the NXT crowd by re-capturing the NXT Tag Team Championships. Chase and Holland had previously beat Axiom and Frazer to win the titles on the August 13 episode of NXT. Frazer and Axiom then defeated Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne of Chase U to earn a rematch, which they capitalized on.

The finish saw Axiom kick out of a massive backstabber/powerbomb combo, and then hit a Spanish Fly off the top-rope onto Chase for the win. After the match, however, Ridge Holland had had enough, and betrayed his Chase U teammates, knocking down Duke Hudson and Riley Osborn, and then hitting a 187 DDT on Chase on the commentary desk.

NXT No Mercy results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom

Frazer superkicks Holland off the apron. Standing Shooting Star by Frazer. Chase kicks out. Axiom and Frazer work over Chase. Chase manages to tag in Holland. Holland clears the ring. Frazer kicks out of Holland’s Storm Breaker. Axiom leaps off the top but is caught by Holland. Holland hits a suplex into a front slam. Diving head butt off the top by Holland. Frazer breaks up the pin. Axiom and Frazer work over Holland. Holland tags in Chase, who gets set up on the top rope. Axiom and Frazer set up their finish. Holland rushes the ring.

Frazer hits the ropes, which causes Axiom to get crotched on the top rope. Chase takes Axiom off the top with a super Spanish Fly. Tiger Bomb by Chase. Kick out by Axiom. Axiom sends Chase over the top. Axiom lands a dive. Frazer tries a dive on Holland, but Holland catches Frazer by the throat. Axiom tries a dive and gets caught with Frazer. Holland sends Axiom and Frazer over the barricade. Frazer and Axiom both dive off the barricade and land on Holland. Frazer gets a near fall after a springboard 450 splash.

The closing moments…

Doomsday Device by Chase U. Frazer kicks out. Frazer and Axiom hit the brainbuster/Golden Ratio combo. Chase kicks out. Frazer holds Chase in place. Axiom tries another Golden Ratio, but Chase ducks. Axiom almost takes Frazer’s head off. Holland and Chase land a backstabber/powerbomb combo. Axiom kicks out. Axiom lands a top-rope Spanish fly on Chase. Frazer follows that with a Phoenix Splash for the win!

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom and Nathan Frazer!

After the match, Holland goes nuts and attacks Duke Hudson and Riley Osborn. Chase tries to calm Holland down, but Holland responds with a vicious lariat. Holland drops Chase on the commentary desk with the 187 DDT.

READ MORE: WWE NXT No Mercy Results (9/1/24)

What are your thoughts on this match result? Was Ridge Holland right in turning on his former group? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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