BBC Sport pundit analyses the dramatic race to finish seventh in the Premier League

4 months ago 31


Interesting to read this BBC Sport pundit giving his analysis on the ‘exciting’ race to finish seventh in the Premier League.

So who are the contenders?

Well BBC Sport pundit Michael Brown believes it is between five clubs for the coveted seventh spot.

The former Manchester City and Tottenham midfielder pointing to the clubs currently lying in seventh to eleventh places….

As you can see those five clubs in 7th to 11th are Brighton, Newcastle United, West Ham, Chelsea and Wolves.

NUFC have all four of those other contenders still to play, three at home and one away. Brighton are Newcastle’s last home match opponents in May but after Arsenal on Saturday, Eddie Howe’s side play the other three of these team above in March.

Leaving aside this dramatic race for seventh for a moment, is there a possibility of Newcastle United or any of these other teams aiming any higher than seventh?

Well I do find it amusing that Man U are suddenly seen as a decent team seriously competing for fifth or even fourth!

In December, Man U were on a run of only five points from six games and defeats to Bournemouth, West Ham and Forest. Then just because they have now stumbled to a run of four PL wins in a row, they are supposed to be taken seriously? This run has seen them score a winner against Wolves seven minutes into added time, get totally outplayed by Villa but somehow get an 86th minute winner, whilst watching their last game, Man U spent most of it defending against Luton who looked the better side but Ten Hag’s side got lucky again due to scoring twice in the opening seven minutes before Luton had woken up and then riding their luck.

After Saturday’s Arsenal match, it means all eight of Newcastle’s matches against the top four are completed and a schedule of the remaining 12 fixtures that looks, at least on paper, capable of seeing NUFC going on a decent run. March 2023 was when Eddie Howe’s side went on that run of eight wins in nine games that was key to finishing fourth last season, with players now hopefully returning from injury, just maybe Newcastle can still aim for better…

BBC Sport pundit Michael Brown looks at the ‘race for seventh’ – 22 February 2024:

‘A mini-league seems to have formed between the teams sitting 7th-11th in the Premier League table, but which of those can get into the European places?

I would be amazed if anyone can give me that answer at this moment in time with those teams. There are so many questions hanging over that battle – what kind of bounce, positive or negative, will teams have after recent results?

What turn around are we going to have from West Ham? Chelsea are showing little glimpses of improvement in performances at a time they need it so could quickly move up the table with their squad and attacking abilities. Wolves keep surprising everybody. If they went on and got into Europe this season, that would be unbelievable. To get ahead of Brighton, Newcastle, West Ham and Chelsea it would be amazing for Gary O’Neil and the side. With Newcastle, they have the squad togetherness and understanding with Eddie.

The truth is, who do I believe is going to be at the top of it come the end of the season? I really don’t know. I couldn’t call one, I couldn’t say one team are the favourites. You might edge towards Newcastle United with that support they have and home form. When they just get themselves together a little bit, they probably edge it.

If you’re looking at who needs those European places the most, that is difficult too.

Chelsea have underachieved if they don’t get it, that is just a complete given. Brighton may say, ‘well, we were open to push for that and we’ve got in a European position again’. Newcastle would have huge disappointment after last season. West Ham would look to achieve it and have been in a good position, but would they have said that they would finish above Newcastle United or Chelsea? I don’t think they would, but the West Ham supporters will expect them to.

Because of the likes of Aston Villa this season, that’s one team everyone can look at and say they have gone and delivered in a big way. You think about Brighton and the complete turn around of the players that they’ve had, they still just keep sitting nicely, contributing and they could finish seventh and that would be an unbelievable season for them.’

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