Big E Comments On Potential Retirement, Not Wrestling Again: I’m Content In Life

1 month ago 15

Big E is content with his life, even if he never steps into a ring again.

The New Day member suffered a serious injury in 2022, as he fractured his C1 and C6 vertebrae on a botched suplex by Ridge Holland. He has not wrestled since, and his in-ring future remains unclear. However, the former WWE Champion seems content.

Big E spoke with Adrian Hernandez of Unlikely ahead of WWE SummerSlam. He was asked about his potential retirement from the ring. When asked if he had a cut-off date in mind before he accepts that he’ll never wrestle again, the former WWE Champion revealed that he doesn’t have a date in mind.

“I don’t know if there is necessarily a cut-off. I don’t know if they have a date in mind or a time or any of those things. But I’m content in life right now, and I have been content in life since day one, honestly.”

“Instead of focusing on all the things that are lost or the things I can’t do, or not being in the ring anymore, I focus on the things that I do have. I’m so blessed, I’m so fortunate. One, I’m not in pain. I move around well, I’m in the gym, I live a great life. You don’t have to pity me; you don’t have to feel bad for me at all. I’ve got so many incredible things.”

Big E also said that he enjoyed being part of WWE’s Countdown shows, pre-shows, and he appreciates the other opportunities that he has had.

Big E Appreciates The Support

Big E then emphasized that life had been good, and he was blessed. He also thanked everyone for their support.

“I can’t believe how quickly it’s flown by, but I’m still here, and I’m still doing things that I love and enjoy,” Big E said. “I get to see so many of my friends. So I’m blessed, I’m immensely blessed, I’m really thankful for all those things. I appreciate everyone who has checked in on me.

“I can’t believe, I thought after a year, people would have moved on and given up, but it’s like two and a half years, and people are still asking. I appreciate that, it means a lot, but life has been really, really good, I am blessed, I don’t live in any regret or any of those things, I’m very, very thankful.”

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