Big E: I Think WWE Is Doing A Job Of Telling More Complete Stories, Paying Them Off

6 months ago 38

Big E is excited about WWE’s progress when it comes to storytelling.

In an interview with WhatCulture Wrestling, the way the company pivoted from a potential match between The Rock and Roman Reigns in favor of Cody Rhodes. Big E was asked about the way it seemed like the company was more open to listening to fans now.

“To me, it’s all about storytelling,” Big E said. “You want to tell good stories. I think oftentimes in the past, we’ve been guilty of not telling good stories, of stories that have holes in them that don’t play out in ways that make sense. I think oftentimes with babyfaces as well, we often bury our babyfaces with the way they get handled. That’s kind of what I think a lot of people were worried about with Cody stepping aside. It’s hard for a guy who scratches and claws but works his way up time and time again, and then finally gets to that position, and just says, ‘Nah, I don’t want it.’

“So that’s just a big thing for me is making sure that we don’t insult the intelligence of our fans. I think with this current direction, I’m really excited. I think we’re getting there, I think we’re doing a better job of telling more complete stories, of paying stories off, of having people that fans are really behind not just quietly shoved off to the side, simply because we’ve decided this is the path we’re set on, and we’re committed to it.”

Big E Wants Fans To Feel Like Their Investment In A Story Is Working

Big E continued by noting that, as a performer, it’s important to take fans on a ride with a story. He stated that losing their trust degrades wrestling itself. He made it clear that he wants the fans to feel like their investment is working.

“As a performer, one of the first things you learn is, it’s all about being able to take fans on that ride,” Big E said. “If we lost their trust, if we lose their ability to say, ‘Yeah, if you stay on this ride with me, it’s gonna pay off,’ we degrade what we do. We degrade our ability to bring them along on another story. I think in the past we’ve had lapsed fans because of that, where we’re really into a story or we’re really behind a character and then saw them time and time again not have it pay off, or for some reason, it all fell apart.

“So yeah, that’s what I want. Just to have our fans feel like they’re watching something that is worth their time, and that their investment in the story is working.”

The full interview can be seen here:

WrestleZone will have coverage of WWE Elimination Chamber as it airs on February 24.

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