Bruno Guimaraes releases emotional personal statement to Newcastle United fans

1 month ago 18


Bruno Guimaraes has been outstanding this past season for Newcastle United.

With so many other key Newcastle United players missing so often, especially in midfield, the Brazil international taking on so much responsibility.

Bruno Guimaraes a class act, on and off the pitch.

The heartbeat of the team.

With the season now ended, Bruno Guimaraes has released this emotional personal statement to Newcastle United fans.

Bruno Guimaraes via his personal Twitter account – 22 May 2024:

“We’ve reached the end of another season, and I couldn’t let it pass without thanking our fans and sharing my thoughts on everything we’ve been through this year.

“It has been a huge mix of emotions, but I’m certain that I gave my best at all times, as did the entire team.

“It was a season full of injuries, and I’m sure we could have done much more if we had been at full strength. Even so, I think we achieved a lot with the little we had this year.

“Personally, it was a great pleasure to be present in 50 out of 51 games this year. I was the player who covered the most kilometers in the Premier League.

“Taking the club back to the Champions League after 20 years is something we will never forget, and I’m sure we deserved better luck.

“This is yet another season that will stay in our memories and serve as an example for the ones to come!

“Thank you, Jesus, for all the blessings and opportunities.”

Whilst outsiders want to interpret every single action by Bruno Guimaraes as a sign he is going to be leaving the club this summer, a wave to the fans at the end of a match, the midfielder showing emotion… and so on.

I have never had any doubts and this personal statement to the fans from our talisman just simply reinforces that for me.

I can’t wait to see Bruno Guimaraes at the heart of things again next season with Newcastle United BUT with the other key players alongside him on a regular basis.

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