CENSODEV sensitises Upper East women’s groups on political participation

4 months ago 32

Women’s groups in the Upper East Region, last Saturday, undertook a sensitization walk in the principal streets of Navrongo in the Kassena-Nankana Municipality to mobilise women to take part in the limited voters’ registration.

The three-hour exercise named ‘Women voter mobilization sensitisation walk’ was to ensure that women who are eligible to vote get registered to enable them to participate in the general elections.

Participating groups were drawn from Hair Dressers Association, Tailors, Traditional Weavers, Market Queens, Shea processors, among others, from across the district in the region. 

Clad in their T-shirts and amidst brass band music, they carried placards some of which read as “My vote, my flex”, “Elections have impacts on the present and future generations, I will register to vote”  “I pledge to vote” “Hervote, her voice” “Empower women, empower democracy,”  “Every woman counts, every vote matters,”  “Women’s rights are voting rights,” Women’s vote shapes our future.”

The sensitisation campaign was under the support of the United States Agency for International Development–funded Political Accountability Project (POLA) to whip up participation in political activities, especially by women and minority ethnic groups to help shape their destinies.

It being implemented by Centre for Social Mobilisation and Sustainable Development (CENSODEV), a non-governmental organisation based in Navrongo, targeting women in the Upper East, Upper West, Northern, Savanah Regions, North East, Bono and part of Western Region.

It also seeks to enhance citizens understanding of the election process, covering the Election Value-Chain, active and improved participation of target groups and increased voter turnout in 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Election.

Addressing the women groups, the Executive Director of CENSODEV, BraimahSanjage, reminded them of “their right to register to vote and be voted for” in the general elections in order to help shape and influence policies to better their lots. 

The Kassena-Nanakana Municipal Director of the Electoral Commission, Tetteh Ankama Okyne, took the women through the dos, don’ts of the electoral process and the documentations required from an eligible voter to register and vote.

Mr Okyne commended them for their participation in the sensitisation walk and urged more women to register and vote, and be voted for because women were key in decision-making in the country.

By Times Reporter

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