Comedian AY Makun’s wife, Mabel, raises concerns with allegations of threats, abuse

5 months ago 52


Mabel Makun, the wife of popular Nigerian comedian AY Makun, has sparked concern among fans with her recent Instagram posts detailing alleged threats to her life and mental abuse.

The now-deleted posts shared on Thursday, January 18, 2024, have left followers both confused and worried about her well-being.

Mabel took to her Instagram account to express the gravity of the situation, stating that her life was at stake. However, she refrained from naming any specific individuals involved.

In a poignant post, she wrote, “The threat to my life is actually getting out of hand, and if anything happens to me, there is just one person to be held responsible. Headed to the police station.”

Adding to the concerns, Mabel shared another post on her Instagram story, shedding light on her emotional turmoil. The post read, “Been abused mentally and all round for way too long, and I have had enough.”

The absence of names in her posts has led to speculation among her followers and the wider social media community.

Some attempted to decipher the identity of the alleged perpetrator, while others criticized Mabel for sharing such cryptic information without providing specific details.

Mabel has since then deleted all posts hinting at abuse and has left fans wondering.

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