Confirmed:  NDC names Prof. Opoku-Agyeman as running mate… to partner John Mahama for election 2024

3 months ago 26

 Professor Naana Jane Opoku- Agyemang has been confirmed as the running mate to the opposition National Democratic Congress’ flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, for the 2024 presidential election.

“The National Democratic Con­gress (NDC) proudly announces the selection of Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang as the running mate to the party’s flag bearer, John Dramani Mahama, for the 2024 presidential elections,” the party said in a statement issued and signed by its General Secretary, Fiifi Kwetey, in Accra yesterday.

According to the party, the nomination of the former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast “underscores the NDC’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and the empowerment of women in lead­ership roles”.

The party described the 72-year old Professor Opoku-Agyemang as a “distinguished academic and leader renowned for her dedi­cation to education and public service” and possesses extensive qualification, experience, wealth of knowledge and expertise to the NDC’s presidential ticket.

The statement quoted the flagbearer, John Mahama, to have expressed confidence in his choice of running mate when he pre­sented the name to the Council of Elders.

“I am proud to have Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang as my running mate. Her integrity, dedication, and vision for a better Ghana make her the ideal can­didate to join me in leading our party to victory in the upcoming elections,” the former president is quoted to have said.

The nomination of Prof. Opoku-Agyemang, who partnered John Mahama in the 2020 election, is in pursuance of Article 60(2) of the 1992 Constitution.

“A candidate for the office of Vice-President shall be designated by the candidate for the office of President before the election of the President,” the Constitution says.

By this nomination, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang adds to the NDC’s ticket integrity, inclusivity, voice for women and other vul­nerable groups, accountability and ethical leadership, and wide-rang­ing international network to assist in Ghana’s restoration.

Born November 22, 1951, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang is a product of the prestigious Wesley Girls’ High School, University of Cape Coast and the York University in Canada.

She was appointed Education Minister by former President, John Mahama, in 2013 upon winning the 2012 election and served in that capacity till January 2017.

She championed the Com­munity Day Senior High School programme and started the pro­gressive free Senior High School policy, where 100,000 students where absorbed in the 2015/2016 academic year.

Following her selection as vice presidential candidate for the 2020 election, the NDC’s vote in the Central Region appreciated from 405,262, representing 43.43 per cent, in 2016 to 524,038, repre­senting 45.87, in 2020.

The party also increased its par­liamentary seats from four in 2016 to 13 in 2020.

With this nomination, John Ma­hama has maintained the NDC’s tradition of complementing the party’s presidential ticket with someone from the Central Region; either as presidential candidate or running mate.

The tradition begun with the partnership between late President, Jerry Rawlings, and late Vice-President, Kor Nkensen Arkaah, for the 1992 election and late Jerry Raw­lings and late John Mills for the 1996 election.

In the 2000 election, late Presi­dent Mills partnered Martin Amidu, chose Mohammed Mumuni for the 2004 election, and settled on John Mahama for the 2008 election.

John Mahama continued with that tradition by selecting the late Kwesi Bekoe Amis­sah-Ar­thur for the 2012 and 2016 elections and most recently Prof. Opoku-Agyemang in the 2020 election.

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