Dave Meltzer Discusses Latest Developments In Janel Grant's Vince McMahon Lawsuit

6 months ago 31

Vince McMahon

Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images

Things are beginning to move forward regarding Janel Grant's lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis, after it was revealed that McMahon and WWE had been formally served a summons, giving them until mid-May to respond. Even before that though, things took a turn earlier this week when an email, written by Grant and sent to McMahon in December 2021, was leaked, attempting to portray the relationship between McMahon and Grant as consensual.


On this morning's edition of "Wrestling Observer Radio," Dave Meltzer chimed in on the email, believing it was a case of Vince's legal team attempting to muddy the waters against Grant by describing the email as a "love letter." With McMahon facing evidence against him in the form of text messages, as well as Laurinaitis corroborating some of Grant's allegations in a previous statement, Meltzer believes McMahon's defense will acknowledge some of the events took place while attempting to present his relationship with Grant as consensual.

Meltzer also expressed skepticism about the email itself, saying he initially "wasn't convinced it was real." He further noted a text message exchange that Grant's attorney, Ann Callis, had related after the email leak, pointing out that Grant's wording in the exchanges suggested she had been told to write the email, and hadn't done so on her own.


Not addressed was the email mentioning the first names of several WWE office members, including "Mickey, Paul, Chef, Brad, Nick, and Johnny," who Grant states were aware of her and McMahon's relationship. Callis has since stated that the "Brad and Nick" named are none other than former WWE executive Brad Blum, and current WWE President Nick Khan.



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