Deschamps has no merit, Platini balances

1 week ago 9

According to the former playmaker, Didier Deschamps’ success as coach must be measured by his equipment.

Didier Deschamps can enter football history a little more during the Euro in Germany. If he led the Blues to the coronation, eight years after the final lost against Portugal, he would become the first coach to have won the Euro and the World Cup both as a player and as a coach.

This prospect hardly moves the former midfielder.

“It’s not a motivation for me. I am not in this world to chase records and become unique. This is the French team. And the greatest credit for success always goes to the players, they are on the pitch,” he recently confided in the columns of Bild.

“Zidane will do very well too”

And according to Michel Platini, the merits of the selectors are indeed very limited. “If Deschamps wanted to stay with the selection and extend her contract (until 2026), it’s because she is good (editor’s note: her team). He has equipment and a hell of a generation in place. Today, leading the France team is easier. I’m not fascinated by coaches. A good coach is one who has good players”thus confided to the

Figaro the one who experienced a resounding failure at Euro 1992 despite the presence of Jean-Pierre Papin and Eric Cantona.

Could anyone have the same results as Didier Deschamps with this French team? ” I do not say that. Not like this. But I think it is easier for Didier Deschamps to train and win with the France team than the San Marino selection, he added. He does things very well. It’s perfect. Zinédine (Zidane), if he takes over the position after him, will do it very well too. And you, with this team, would do very well too (laughs). »

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Manu Tournoux

Manu Tournoux is a passionate and knowledgeable football enthusiast with a special focus on French football. Born and raised in France, Manu discovered his love for the beautiful game at a young age and developed a deep understanding of the ins and outs of "Le Championnat." His French roots and extensive experience in football journalism have made him an invaluable asset to the French Football Weekly team.
 As an author for the website, Manu's expertise includes not only in-depth analysis of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 matches but also insightful profiles of up-and-coming talents, detailed transfer news, and engaging coverage of the French national team. His captivating writing style and undeniable passion for the game have earned him a loyal following among our readers.
 When he's not crafting engaging articles for French Football Weekly, Manu enjoys attending live matches whenever he can, exploring football culture in various French cities, and engaging in spirited debates with fellow fans. Feel free to follow Manu on Twitter and interact with him as he shares his expert opinions, insights, and love for French football.

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