Don’t instal chiefs without recourse to laid-down customs  – Gbese Mantse

2 months ago 18

The Paramount Chief of the Gbese Traditional Area, Nii Ayi Bonte II, has cautioned heads-of-family against installing chiefs without going through the time-tested processes of selecting and enstooling chiefs in the area.

He said the tendency for some heads-of-families to enstool chiefs without recourse to the laid down customs, was one of the main causes of “disunity and disturbanc­es” in the traditional area, and that must stop.

“Nobody can hide… heads-of-family, I am telling you that no family head can enstool a chief in Gbese while I still remain the Paramount Chief. No head of family can enstool someone as Gbese Dsaase or Mantse without respecting our traditions and cus­toms. So those doing that must put a stop to it,” he emphasised.

Dr Ayi Bonte issued the caution during the swearing-in ceremony of the newly enstooled Okaishie Mantse, Nii Ayi Odum Wulu I and Bonteman Mantse, Nii Ayi Kotofai I at his palace at Gbese in Accra yesterday.

Known in private life as Enoch Nii Ayi Quaye, Nii Ayi Odum Wulu was the first to be sworn-in, followed by Nii Ayi Kotofai also known in private life as Nii Ayi Amon.

Both swore by the Gbese State Sword before pledging allegiance to the traditional area and the Gbese Paramount Stool.

Addressing them after the swear­ing-in ceremony, Nii Dr Ayi Bonte, who is also the President of the Gbese Traditional Council, urged the two chiefs to place the develop­ment of the traditional area above all interest.

He said one area that continued to hold back the development of the people of Gbese was the indis­criminate sale of lands and the lack of respect for time-tested customs of the people.

Dr Ayi Bonte said the time had come for the wrongs to be righted to ensure that the traditional area developed, adding that “I appeal to all true sons and daughters of Gbese to allow peace to reign in the area, it is only when there is peace and harmony that the area can be developed.”

He said the time had come for all factions to put their differences behind and rally behind him in the efforts to restore the area to its former glory.

He said it was important for all to recognise that at all material time, there would be only one person to occupy the seat as the paramount chief to steer the affairs of the people, and all that was required was the support of all and sundry in order to move forward.

The Okaishie Mantse, Nii Ayi Odum Wulu, who spoke on behalf of his colleague expressed appreci­ation to the traditional council for the confidence reposed in them, and pledged to work to uplift the image of Gbese.


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