Duchess Meghan has been wrongfully accused of being ‘bossy’ at the polo match

5 months ago 32

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s polo date in Miami was fantastic. Every photo from the event was gorgeous – Meghan looked rich, Harry looked hot, and they are such a watchable and charismatic couple. Once the photos and videos came out, people were commenting with stuff like “Yeah I can see why they were mad” and “Get away from your toxic family so you can flourish.” Whenever Meghan and Harry show up somewhere looking happy, wealthy, tan and gorgeous, the haters lose their everloving minds. Which is where we are now. Those miserable people did a forensic examination of every video and photo and they are trying to make “Meghan had an awkward interaction” into a thing. This is the interaction:

What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.

Even when it comes to bossing around other women at the polo.

Imagine what she’s like when the cameras aren’t on!


— Dan Wootton (@danwootton) April 13, 2024

The woman is Dr. Sophie Chandauka, and she is the chair of Sentebale. The whole polo match was a fundraiser to benefit Sentebale and they brought in over $1 million, incidentally. So Dr. Chandauka was brought on stage after the match so they could all pose for photos. Dr. Chandauka somewhat awkwardly tried to pose beside Harry, perhaps unaware of what angle the photos would be taken. Meghan is overheard saying “do you want to come over here?” as she motioned to her side (Meghan’s left). Like… have you guys never tried to coordinate a group photo where people don’t know how to position themselves? It was a brief moment where Meghan and Dr. Chandauka were trying to work out where to stand, that’s it. But now the Mail and other outlets are trashing Meghan for being “rude” or “bossy.” Utterly asinine.

Also – I’ve seen the Derangers suggest that Meghan didn’t want Dr. Chandauka to stand next to Harry. Please, Meghan knows her husband – Harry was not letting go of Meghan whatsoever. Meghan had no choice but to move closer to Harry and make space for Dr. Chandauka on her other side. They also coordinated the photos so that the three women were in the center, bracketed by the polo dudes. Oh, and in a different moment, Meghan wasn’t on the stage and Harry and Dr. Chandauka posed side-by-side.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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