Duchess Meghan wore a lovely Johanna Ortiz dress on Day 1 of the Colombia tour

1 month ago 13

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Here are some photos of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their Colombian Tour Day #1. This was their second outfit of the day – Meghan switched it up with a lovely Johanna Ortiz dress in a rosy print. She wore her hair down and her makeup was flawless. Ortiz was born and raised in Colombia and then she went to fashion school in America and she launched her fashion line in America. Meghan has worn Ortiz dresses before, notably during the Nigerian tour. I love when Meghan honors the country she’s visiting by wearing a native-to-the-country designer. Other royal women would have simply asked Erdem to make a coatdress in the colors of Colombia’s flag and called it a day.

After the Sussexes met with VP Francia Marquez, Marquez then escorted Harry and Meghan to the National Center for the Arts in Bogota. They watched a performance of The Hummingbird’s Kiss, and then after the show, the Sussexes took part in a summit on internet safety and tech accountability.

I’m not going to give a ton of energy to the British media’s coverage of this tour but it does appear like some British outlets have slightly more access during this trip than the trip to Nigeria. I would imagine the Colombian government simply credentialed more international photographers than Nigeria. All of which to say, the Mail seems desperate to find some negative angle, so they’re saying that some of the kids looked “bored” during this theater performance. That’s all they’ve got??

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