Eden: The Sussex Squad wants to complain about Princess Kate going to Wimbledon

2 months ago 18

Throughout this week, there’s been feverish speculation in the British media about whether the Princess of Wales will show up to Wimbledon. Kate is the royal patron and, in recent years, she’s had the task of handing out trophies for the women’s and men’s singles finals. Wimbledon’s tournament director has already made it clear that there are other royals who could fill in for the trophy presentations this year, royals like the Duchess of Gloucester. This whole thing is hilariously overblown, with so many royalists behaving like Kate would be the most important person there and that Wimbledon would crash and burn without Kate’s presence. Well, the royalists have gotten tired of screaming about Kate’s importance, so now they’ve got a new thing: the Sussex Squad is also desperate to see Kate. From Richard Eden’s latest Mail column: “Like all of us, the ‘Sussex Squad’ are feverishly awaiting Kate’s possible Wimbledon comeback… but for a very different reason.”

Her presence would generate more excitement among the Wimbledon crowd than even the moment a Royal actually played at the tournament back in 1926. That was when King Charles’s grandfather, George VI, competed in the men’s doubles tournament alongside his friend and mentor Sir Louis Greig. And, increasingly, there are hopes that the Princess of Wales, could attend the Championships this weekend to present the trophies after the finals.

Catherine’s attendance has, of course, been taken for granted in previous years. As Patron of the All England club since 2016, she’s become synonymous with Wimbledon as strawberries and cream. As a keen tennis player herself, as well as a family friend of former Wimbledon star Tim Henman, the princess has always relished the opportunity to watch games from the Royal Box.

This year is different, of course. She has not been able to visit because of her continuing treatment for cancer – and it may be no coincidence that spectator numbers have fallen, too. Although fans go for the tennis, there’s nothing like a spot of royal-watching to boost ticket sales. So it’s little surprise that fans are in a fever of anticipation about whether Catherine might make the Wimbledon finals.

But the speculation has, almost inevitably, led to a rash of unkind comments from the so-called Sussex Squad, those obsessive online fans of Prince Harry and Meghan who revel in criticising other members of the Royal Family. Their main point is that Catherine should not attend a sports event when she has been unable to carry out more serious public engagements. They claim, without any evidence, that it would ‘prove’ she hadn’t been sick at all. This is the sort of deeply unpleasant trolling that the princess – just like other royals – has to put up with on a daily basis.

Let us all hope that she enjoys a couple of good days this weekend and can bring the tournament to light by her presence. While we saw Queen Camilla attend with her sister, Annabel Elliot, yesterday, and have spotted other Windsors including Zara Tindall and Princess Beatrice among the spectators on other days, the Royal Box has lacked the winning touch that Catherine brings.

She should ignore the malign nonsense of the trolls. Most right-thinking people would understand that, while she might not be well enough for more arduous duties, a relaxing day at the tennis could be just the tonic to lift her spirits and aid her recovery. Not only would it be Advantage Catherine, but it would lift the nation’s spirits as well.

[From The Daily Mail]

“Their main point is that Catherine should not attend a sports event when she has been unable to carry out more serious public engagements.” He got our ass. We actually did say that. That was one of the conversations outside of royalist circles – that Kate’s miraculous recovery in time for Trooping the Colour was more about Kate wanting to attend Wimbledon. That Kate would rather go to Wimbledon than do early years busywork or anything for charity. That it would probably look bad if Kate turned up in new couture at Wimbledon and yet could not Zoom in a charity. I’m curious as to why Eden would devote a column to amplifying this (well-founded) criticism of Kate though? Perhaps – and I’m just guessing! – the royal press pack loves nothing more than using “Sussex arguments” to poke at the Waleses.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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