Flat Belly: Two Highly Effective Foods to Reduce Belly Fat, Experts Say

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Soccer is my first love, but fitness and health come in a close second. Like soccer, maintaining a fit body requires strategy, discipline, and the right moves. Let’s delve into two highly effective foods that can help you reduce belly fat and achieve a flat belly, as highlighted by experts.

Why Consume Proteins for a Flat Belly?

Just like a well-coached soccer team, your body needs the right nutrients to perform at its best. Proteins play a crucial role in this lineup. Numerous studies have shown that people who consume more protein tend to have less abdominal fat compared to those who eat less protein. According to experts interviewed by the American media SheFinds in March 2023, eating two specific protein-rich foods daily can significantly reduce belly fat and help you achieve your weight loss goals as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Proteins are essential for the body. They play structural roles (in muscles and skin) and are involved in various processes such as immune response (antibodies), oxygen transport (hemoglobin), and digestion (digestive enzymes), according to the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES).

Two Foods to Prioritize for a Flat Belly

Black Beans

Experts suggest that black beans can be a great ally in the quest for a flat belly. Trista Best, a dietitian, tells SheFinds that black beans “contain a ton of nutrients in any meal, which is useful when you’re trying to get adequate protein in a plant-based diet and reduce your grocery budget.” Unlike their green or red counterparts, black beans are particularly high in protein while being low in calories.

The benefits of black beans don’t stop there. These legumes are rich in fiber, helping to eliminate toxins and keep you feeling full after meals, thus reducing snacking and promoting weight loss. Experts recommend adding half a cup of black beans to your daily meals. For optimal results, Trista Best advises eating black beans with rice, as this combination provides all nine essential amino acids.


Fish, particularly salmon, is another food that experts recommend for reducing belly fat. Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Heather Hanks, a nutritionist at Medical Solutions Barcelona, tells SheFinds that eating salmon can “reduce inflammation, regulate immune health, and promote digestion,” all of which can aid in weight loss.

To retain its health benefits, Heather Hanks suggests preparing a salmon salad with low-carb vegetables for lunch. This not only helps with satiety but also boosts energy levels and improves digestion.

Additional Foods to Help Reduce Belly Fat

Beyond black beans and salmon, other foods can aid in reducing belly fat as part of a comprehensive healthy lifestyle. Dr. Nina Cohen-Koubi, a nutritionist, lists ten additional foods that can support your efforts:

Avocado: Rich in fiber and omega-3, beneficial for cardiovascular health. Banana: Filling and fiber-rich, promotes intestinal transit with a diuretic effect due to its potassium content. Apple: Acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Artichoke: Satiating with a diuretic effect. Olive oil: Facilitates digestion alongside its numerous health benefits. Celery: Contains 95% water, diuretic, and digestive properties, helps eliminate sugars and fats. Egg: Protein-rich foods like eggs can be effective in achieving a flat belly. White beans: High in fiber, promote satiety and regulate insulin. Lemon: Energizing and rich in vitamin C, can help reduce abdominal fat.

Incorporating these foods into your diet, along with regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, can help you achieve and maintain a flat belly. So, whether you’re strategizing for a soccer match or planning your meals, remember that the right lineup can make all the difference.

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