Gaetz Gate Ain't Over! Bombshell New Evidence Matt Gaetz Went To Drug Orgy With Teenager!

2 hours ago 3

Well, just when Matt Gaetz thought he was off scot-free, arrogance and greed may have gotten him right back into hot water. Not even his arrogance though… Let’s dive in and we’ll explain.

OK, so to catch everyone up on just one of a GAZILLION politician sex scandals out there…

The Florida congressman was accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl (at one of many sex parties populated by young girls). He also apparently brought her with him for more — across state lines, making it trafficking. He dodged potential underage sex trafficking charges when the DOJ opted not to prosecute. We were kind of shocked considering how much evidence was already public. For instance, the press had access to Venmo payments he made to multiple girls. And his pal Joel Greenberg, a local Florida official, was convicted and is serving 11 years for fraud and sex trafficking with a child. We thought for sure his cooperation with prosecutors would be enough to put Gaetz away. But we guess hiring one of Jeffrey Epstein‘s lawyers, while sleazy as hell, ended up working? Because the whole thing kind of went away. Until now…

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OK, so a big aspect of the accusations against Gaetz and Greenberg was their attendance at these alleged parties. Some guy was allegedly throwing these parties with tons of drugs and young girls (some even underage), and a bunch of Republican politicians were attending these orgies. That guy who allegedly threw the parties at his house? His name is Chris Dorworth. He’s a lobbyist and another good friend of Matt Gaetz. And near as we can tell, he took the fact Gaetz wasn’t prosecuted as a TOTAL EXONERATION ™. And he sued multiple people, including Greenberg AND the 17-year-old girl (named only as A.B.) for *unfairly* dragging him into the scandal.

Well, that decision may well have been the match that lit his and Gaetz’s reputations on fire. See, the lawsuit has now caused evidence to be given again — only this time it’s a civil case, and it’s gone public!

In a filing obtained by, lawyers wrote:

“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz”

To break that down:

A.B. is the teenager Gaetz allegedly paid to have sex with and brought across state lines. K.M. is another young girl who testified she was at these parties. B.G. is Matt Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend. Matt Gaetz is someone who has no business serving in Congress.

OK, so what’s the evidence given?

17-year-old A.B. told attorneys she was a junior in high school (ICK!) at the time and that she drove to the party in her mother’s car because she didn’t have one yet (double ICK!).

K.M. confirmed details of the debauch party. She claimed — in a sworn affidavit — partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were readily available. She also claimed to have seen A.B. — the 17-year-old — naked in front of everyone.

Gaetz’s girlfriend (B.G.) was also present. She not only confirmed the party happened, she even corroborated the teenager’s account about Gaetz taking part! Per the filing, she “confirmed A.B.’s testimony under penalty of perjury.” Damn! Oh yeah, she also provided evidence Dorworth was there. Oops.

So now we have evidence out in the open that Gaetz was at the party. Multiple witnesses. We have the Venmo payments. We have Greenberg reportedly admitting Gaetz paid him to arrange sexual encounters with young women, including at least one 17-year-old, young A.B.

How the hell is this guy still in Congress and not in prison next to Diddy??

[Image via MEGA/WENN.]

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