Gianni Infantino criticises Newcastle United along with the other 19 Premier League clubs

2 months ago 20


Newcastle United and the other 19 Premier League clubs have been targeted by Gianni Infantino.

The FIFA president Gianni Infantino reacting to the recent revelations about spending on agents fees.

The 20 Premier League clubs having spent an astonishing combined £409.5m on agents and intermediaries in the 12 months to February 2024.

Gianni Infantino stating:

“Most of this money is leaving football.

“At Fifa, we are trying to implement some clear and fair rules to the transfer system, including agents regulations, for the sake of transparency, accountability and better redistribution across all levels of the game.

“Because of that we were sued by some agents but Fifa will continue to defend its position in court.

“I call on governments and lawmakers to join us and play an active role in ensuring the funds generated in transfers are kept within football and are shared with clubs from all around the world, as they are absolutely key for current and future generations of footballers.”

All intermediary and agents’ fees paid by Premier League clubs over the past year:

As you can see, Newcastle United the 8th highest when it comes to agents fees this 2023/24 season.

Some truly horrific / mad amounts above, with the ‘big six’ all appearing in the top seven spots, as they use their established financial positions to spend on agents fees as well as transfer fees and wages.

Aston Villa the other club amongst the top seven spenders on agents fees this season.

Man City last season (2022/23) with £35m outlay at the very top of the spending on agents fees (That 2021/22 table of agents fees is also below), a total of £318m spent by the 20 PL clubs last season.

Man City have seen their £35m figure last season become £60m paid in agents fees for the current 2023/24 season BUT they are no longer top!

Instead, Chelsea with a truly horrific and staggering figure of over £75m spent on agents fees!

The spending this season is £409m by the 20 Premier League clubs, up £91m compared to the previous season (£318m).

As for Newcastle United, last season (2022/23) the NUFC owners allowed £10.7m in agents fees, for 2023/24 that figure has shot up to £18.8m.

So much of how UEFA and FIFA run football is an absolute joke but difficult (impossible!) to disagree with Gianni Infantino this time.

The FIFA boss is in particular keen on highlighting these ludicrous sums that go into the pockets of agents, this cash leaving football, as compared to how so often and invariably cheaply Premier League clubs are picking up young talent at very young ages from mainland Europe clubs and others around the world.

Gianni Infantino making the very obvious point that instead of Premier League clubs giving so much of their cash to agents when signing these players, more money should be going to the actual ‘clubs that trained and developed the players signed from abroad.’

All intermediary and agents fees paid by Premier League clubs in the 2022/23 season:

The spending this season is £409m by the 20 Premier League clubs, up £91m compared to the previous season (£318m).

So much money going out of football in agents fees. This benefits nobody, apart from the agents of course!!!

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