Govt receives applause for DRIP initiative  …as regions receive equipment for road improvement

1 month ago 15

The Upper West, Upper East, and Volta Regional Co­ordinating Councils (RCCs) have taken delivery of road maintenance equipment under the District Road Improvement Programme (DRIP).

Launched last month by Presi­dent Akufo-Addo, DRIP aims to expand road network coverage, increase accessibility, enhance mobility, and improve economic activities at the local level.

The RCCs will hand over the equipment to their respective Met­ropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to improve road construction and infrastruc­ture in the regions.

The Upper West Region, which comprises 11 municipal and district assemblies, received 106 pieces of equipment, including tipper trucks, motor graders, low beds, pick-ups, concrete mixers, backhoes, rollers, graders, wheel loaders, and water tankers.

Inaugurating the equipment, the Regional Minister, Stephen Yakubu, praised President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his responsiveness to the needs of Ghanaians, particularly in road infrastructure.

Mr Stephen Yakubu and other dignitaries at the handovwe of equipments to the MMDAs Mr Stephen Yakubu and other dignitaries at the handovwe of equipments to the MMDAs

“This is a fulfillment of our ‘Year of Roads’ promise,” Yakubu declared, expressing relief that the equipment arrived at a critical time, given the poor condition of roads in the region.

He assured the public that the equipment would be utilised effec­tively and deployed immediately to districts to begin roadwork without delay.

The Acting Regional Coordi­nator of the DRIP, Mr Venantius Kuundri, stated that JA Plant Pool, a sister company of the Jospong Group of Companies, would monitor and maintain the equipment across the MMDAs.

He explained that, in collab­oration with the Ghana Armed Forces and local assemblies, strict maintenance protocols would be adhered to, ensuring equipment longevity while spare parts would be stocked regionally to address issues promptly.


DABRE DABANG reports from Bolgatanga that the Upper East Region, took delivery of 117 pieces of equip­ment, including 15 tipper trucks, 15 backhoes, 15 water tankers, 15 motor graders, 15 rollers, six wheel loaders, three bulldozers, three low beds, and 30 concrete mixers.

Each of the 15 MDAs is enti­tled to six pieces of equipment.

At the handing over ceremony yesterday, the Regional Minister, Dr Hafiz Bin Salih, stated that the project would help tackle the de­plorable state of roads and create employment opportunities for the idle youth.

He announced that 450 op­erators of the equipment would be recruited, and the District Common Fund would provide resources to support the project.

Dr Salih warned that the oper­ations of the equipment would be monitored closely and cau­tioned that anyone using them for personal business would do so at their own risk.

He also urged the District and Municipal Chief Executives to ensure the equipment was used for its intended purpose and to maximise its use.

He further challenged per­sonnel in the Feeder Roads Department and Urban Roads to leverage their expertise to monitor the DRIP and ensure its success­ful implementation.

He emphasised the impor­tance of liaising with the Works Department of the assemblies to prioritise road maintenance in the respective MDAs.

SAMUEL AGBEWODE reports from Ho, that Volta Regional Minister, Dr Archibald Letsa, handed over 117 pieces of equipment to 18 Municipal and District Assemblies in the Volta Region.

The equipment included 18 rollers, 18 backhoes, 36 concrete mixers, three bulldozers, and 18 tipper trucks, among others.

Dr Letsa said economic activ­ities, particularly farming, would improve significantly, as farmers would no longer face issues with transporting their produce to market centers.

The Technical Manager of J.A. Plant Pool Ghana Limited, the manufacturer of the equipment, announced that maintenance cen­tres would be established in all 16 regions to avoid traveling to Accra for maintenance.

This initiative, he explained, would be done in collaboration with Technical Universities to also train the youth in equipment maintenance.

He added that his organisation would employ about 5,000 youth to operate the various pieces of equipment and commended the government for its vision.


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