Hair stylist Nicky Clarke: ‘Royals have not traditionally got good heads of hair’

3 months ago 21

Last year, before the coronation, Queen Camilla’s longtime hair colorist Jo Hansford gave a lengthy interview to the Telegraph. It was a palace-authorized interview, one of many with Charles and Camilla’s inner circle as they desperately tried to hype the new king and queen ahead of the coronation. What was amazing about Hansford’s interview was that she was rather blunt and honest about many of the royals – she said Kate’s hair was too long and she needed to dramatically cut her hair and get some layers. Hansford also said this about the Windsor men’s extreme baldness: “The problem with the ‘inner circle’ is that they really don’t get given the right advice… I really feel sorry for William because he had such a lovely head of hair and he should have done his ages ago. If he were a client of ours, we would have advised him to do that as soon as he started to lose it, but of course he can’t do anything now because it’s gone so far.” It’s true! Well, now the Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle had this funny little piece:

As Princes William and Edward can attest, with the King and Harry wanly nodding in agreement, baldness is rife among male members of the Royal Family.

Now fashionable coiffeur Nicky Clarke wants William and his sparsely-furred relatives to tackle their hereditary male pattern baldness.

‘Royals have not traditionally got good heads of hair,’ he says. ‘More people in the public eye now are using the latest hair technologies like implants so why not?’

Might Nicky, nostalgically recalling his styling of Diana, yearn to weave his magic scissors over the restored luxuriant locks of William and Harry?

[From The Daily Mail]

I like how all of these professional hair people keep chiming on how William is bald as hell and there’s little hope for him. Hansford’s comment was the truth though – “of course he can’t do anything now because it’s gone so far.” He can’t just show up one day with hairplugs or a toupee, please, the British media would eat him alive. It should have been a phased-in process which started years ago. Sidenote: I sort of think that Prince Harry has already started taking some steps to keep what’s left of his hair. Whatever he’s doing, it looks pretty natural (I think it’s good quality hairplugs). Harry really was “alarmed” by William’s baldness.

Note: CB loves baldies and she wanted me to put something in here about Not All Bald Men! Granted, some bald men are hot because they have swagger and innate sexiness which is not connected to hair. That is not William.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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