Hangman Page On Swerve Strickland: I Will Do Everything I Can To Erase His Name From Wrestling History

1 month ago 12

Hangman Page isn’t mixing words on how he feels about AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Hangman Page recently spoke with Garrett Martin of Paste Magazine. When asked how it’s felt for him that his rivalry with Swerve Strickland has changed the way fans respond to him as a wrestler, Page certainly had a lot to say on the subject.

“Are you a psychologist? Is that what this is,” Hangman Page asked. “Are you somebody… Did my wife give you this number? What’s going on here? I don’t want to hear your thoughts, I don’t want to hear your musings on it. This piece of shit found my home, broke into my home while my wife and son were inside.

“Has that ever happened to you? Does that ever happen to anyone you know? You would know if it did, you would know if that happened to you. You would know if it happened to someone that you know because it would have changed them. It would change them forever. We stayed there for months and months and months. And we tried so hard to make it work. We couldn’t stay in the home that we brought our child home to for the first time.

Swerve Strickland forced Hangman to move from his first home

“It was our first house we bought together. We couldn’t stay because, because of what [Swerve Strickland] had done, because the memories of it, the nightmares of it, that every time you walk around a corner at night, you expect him to be there, every bump, every sound we heard, not just for me, not just my wife, [voice breaking] for my kid. We had to leave it, and I’m not going to tell you, obviously, where we went.

“It might have been Albuquerque, it might have been Boston, it might have been Philly, it could have been Texas, it might be Canada. I may be living in London, for all you know, and for anyone who will ever know about me, for as long as I’m in wrestling, no one will ever know a single extra thing about me, about my personal life. I’ll never share a bit of it because of what was taken from me. I intend for that to never happen again.”

Can Page’s beef with Strickland ever be settled…?

When asked if there is any way to settle his beef with Strickland, Page said being able to erase his name from the history of wrestling would help settle things.

“Well, he has something that he should have never gotten in the first place [the AEW World Championship],” Swerve Strickland said. “I’ve made it my mission that after he did what he did, that he would never hold it, because I always felt that the AEW World Championship was something that was earned, not just through your hard work and winning your matches, but it was something, I don’t know, cosmic about being right, doing the right thing.

“I thought there was some kind of inherent… I can’t even phrase it, I just never thought that the most important thing in my career to me, one of the most important things in my life, I never thought that it in itself could betray me like this, and I set out to make it my mission that he would never hold it, because someone who had done what he had done should never be allowed to hold that above their head to say that they are the best, because he’s not, he’s the worst of humanity.

Hangman Page wants Swerve Strickland to beg for mercy… but he won’t give him any

“But I was suspended. I was gone for four months, I had to sit at home, I had to hear about it. I had to see it, I had to see him win it, I had to see him carry it around, I had to see the people cheer him when he came out with it. And it was, I don’t know, it was just impossible. It was impossible. Something that should have been impossible. He should never have won it. He shouldn’t have it today, he shouldn’t have it tomorrow. It should be mine.

“If it were mine, I would do everything that I could to erase his name from history of all wrestling from this planet. What would “settle it” would be that, for me to erase him from history altogether, to let his name disappear into the wind and let him be nothing, nothing to anyone else. To solve it would be for him to drop to his knees in front of me and beg for my mercy. On his knees, begging for my mercy. I would never give it, but he should beg for it.”

READ MORE: Hangman Page Teases His Plans For AEW All In

What do you make of Hangman Page’s comments? Are you looking forward to Page and Swerve Strickland continuing their rivalry in AEW? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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