Heather Rae El Moussa seemingly reacted to some drama that played out in the trailer for her new HGTV reality series The Flip Off. The 37-year-old Selling Sunset star appears in the competition show alongside her husband Tarek El Moussa and his ex Christina Haack. On Thursday (January 2), HGTV and Christina premiered a trailer for the forthcoming show, which showcased a tense moment between her and estranged husband Josh Hall. After it went viral, Heather took to the comments section to share her thoughts. Keep reading to find out more… In the trailer, Josh refers to Christina as “rude” after she didn’t respond to him reminding her that she was “a Hall now.” “Don’t get confused in this competition about what your last name is,” he said, later adding, “My wife’s p-ssing me off already.” His behavior sparked some debate, and Heather appeared to reference it with a response in the comments section. “Not everyone makes the cut—and that’s the real reality,” she wrote, prompting others to agree. One person wrote that “some people NEED to be cut, so others can keep going on and winning in life.” The Flip Off premieres on HGTV on January 29 at 8pm ET. Check out the trailer below. The trailer comes shortly after Christina accused Josh of being “insecure.” accused Josh of being “insecure.” Did you see a report about who might be replacing Josh on the show?