Judge Michael Corriero is leaving Hot Bench. The long-running syndicated court show, which celebrates its 2,000th episode this week, is saying goodbye to the longest-serving judge on the show at the end of the current Season 11. His departure is not related to Hot Bench‘s upcoming production relocation from Los Angeles to Connecticut next season for financial reasons, via Deadline. Keep reading to find out more… Judges Rachel Juarez and Yodit Tewolde will return for Season 12, along with a new judge. Michael Corriero was on the show for nine seasons, beginning with Season 3. “At the beginning of this past year, after almost 9 years on Hot Bench, I made it clear to everyone that this would be my final season,” he said in a statement. “It was time to pass the torch or, should I say, the gavel. I will miss the challenge, my beloved colleagues and the entire Hot Bench team.” Judith Sheindlin created the series, which is renewed through 2025-2026 as part of a two-season pickup. Find out which CBS shows have been renewed and cancelled recently.