How Pique wants to revolutionize football

6 months ago 36

Has football become boring? This is the opinion of Gerard Piqué, who is considering a change for football.

Retired from football since the end of 2022, Gerard Piqué is fully involved in his activities as a businessman, and in particular in the famous Kings League which combines football and esports. Played on a smaller pitch, in a short time frame and with bonuses, Kings League matches are meant to be rhythmic and nervous. For the sake of attractiveness for the younger generation.

This is precisely the current concern of football according to the former figure of FC Barcelona. “ One of the reasons we started the Kings League is because I saw my kids watching a football game, and after ten minutes they were on their phones, their tablets, watching something elsesaid the person concerned in an interview with the Sunday Times. Football competes with Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, TikTok. Everyone has their time limit. »

The requested end of the 0-0

We have to find ways to score more goals, or ensure that a match cannot end in a drawjudges Gerard Piqué, wanting to dust off the image of a now centuries-old sport. Football is afraid of change. It has a huge history, it’s very traditional, but change will come, it must come. A 90-minute match that can end 0-0 is very difficult to understand for the new generation. »

Words which are reminiscent of those of the former president of OM, Jacques-Henri Eyraud, who suggested new rules a few years ago, and in particular the establishment of “double counting goals”, if scored from outside the penalty area. Rejuvenating football and making it more attractive is also the pretext of supporters of the Super League. “ With the processes, the committees, it’s a nightmare », concludes Gerard Piqué, well aware that change is not for tomorrow.

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