One of the fastest growing trends is playing competitive esports games such as League of Legends. The tournaments and leagues provide players with an exciting environment where team performance relies entirely on coordinating individual skills. Waiting to be invited to join an established team can be difficult. Many would-be gamers have found that setting up their own team is an ideal alternative.

Making a Plan

The first point to consider is which game the new team wants to play. There are many to choose from such as Dota 2 and Valorant. The final decision will determine which competitions the new team may eventually join. For instance, choose League of Legends and the team may compete in regional tournaments such as the LEC. This is ideal for players based in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. A new team must then decide whether to gain experience at a local level before aiming to compete against professional players.

Establish the Team’s Identity

Even if the team is to play primarily in local or online tournaments, it will still benefit from creating a recognizable identity. It helps to give team members a collective personality, making it easier to focus on goals. A clear identity also encourages esports fans to become followers. When the team progresses to a professional level, a strong team brand can help in attracting sponsors. This can be vital to team success as funds will be needed for traveling, hiring a coach, and purchasing new equipment such as keyboards.

Enlisting Players

Many new teams are built around a core of existing friends who love playing esports. However, it may still be necessary to recruit new players. There are many methods a team manager can follow to find new team members. A starting point could be an online forum that’s dedicated to the team’s chosen game. Social media platforms can also be helpful in finding new recruits. When appealing for new members, highlight the skills required, such as sharp marksmanship and communication skills. When recruits apply for the vacancies, invite them to play a few practice matches to discover if they’ll successfully assimilate into the team.

Organize Regular Training Sessions

Professional players make their teamwork look highly efficient. Viewers often don’t realize that hours of practice are behind their performance. A new team should establish a regular training schedule as quickly as possible. Playing together on a regular basis helps everyone to understand their individual strengths and weaknesses. Intense practice helps players streamline their skills to provide the team with a cohesive performance during tournaments.

Assess the Opposition

When planning to enter tournaments, it can be helpful to understand how other teams play games such as League of Legends. Members of a new team can find the LEC schedule click here to give them valuable information on the skills of potential enemies.