Hyderabad on High Alert as WHO Declares Mpox a Global Emergency

1 month ago 21

Hyderabad: The city has been placed on high alert following the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration of mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This global emergency status highlights the need for heightened awareness and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the viral infection, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, which is a popular destination for international students, including those from Africa.

What is Mpox?

Mpox is a viral zoonosis, meaning it is a virus transmitted to humans from animals. It is similar to smallpox, although it is generally less severe. The virus was first identified in monkeys, hence the original name “monkeypox,” but it can also be transmitted from rodents and other animals.

How is Mpox Spread?

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Mpox is primarily spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids, skin lesions, or respiratory droplets of an infected person or animal. It can also be contracted through contact with contaminated objects, such as bedding or clothing. In some cases, the virus can spread from person to person via close contact, including during sexual activity.

Given Hyderabad’s status as a hub for international students, particularly from African countries where the virus has been more prevalent, the risk of transmission could be elevated. This makes awareness and preventive measures crucial for the local population.

Symptoms and Severity

The symptoms of mpox usually appear 5 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. Common symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. A characteristic rash often develops, starting on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body. The rash progresses through several stages before forming a scab, which eventually falls off.

While mpox can cause severe illness, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems, the majority of cases are mild and resolve without the need for extensive medical intervention. However, complications can occur, and in some cases, the disease can be fatal.

Prevention and Precautionary Measures

To prevent the spread of mpox, public health experts recommend the following measures:

Avoid Close Contact: Refrain from close physical contact with anyone showing symptoms of mpox, such as a rash or sores.Maintain Hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is essential to reduce the risk of transmission.Use Protective Equipment: Healthcare workers and those caring for infected individuals should use personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves and masks, to minimize exposure.Isolate Infected Individuals: Those diagnosed with mpox should be isolated from others to prevent the virus from spreading.Vaccination: In some cases, vaccination against smallpox may offer some protection against mpox, although it is not widely used for this purpose.

Hyderabad’s Response

As the city responds to the WHO’s declaration, local health authorities are ramping up efforts to educate the public about mpox. Awareness campaigns are being launched to inform residents about the symptoms, modes of transmission, and preventive measures.

Given the potential risks associated with the movement of international students, particularly from regions with higher incidence rates of mpox, Hyderabad’s educational institutions are also being urged to take precautionary steps. These include screening measures, providing information to students about the virus, and ensuring access to medical care if needed.

As the situation evolves, staying informed and vigilant will be key to protecting public health and preventing the spread of mpox in Hyderabad.

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Rajesh M

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