“I’m all yours” – Nigerian man graduates first class in botany, reminds DJ Cuppy of her post about dating a botanist

5 months ago 40
"I'm all yours" - Nigerian man graduates first class in botany, reminds DJ Cuppy of her post about dating a botanist "I'm all yours" - Nigerian man graduates first class in botany, reminds DJ Cuppy of her post about dating a botanist

A Nigerian man has taken to his media page to remind a popular personality, DJ Cuppy, of a post she made years back about wanting to date a botanist just days after he graduated with first-class honors from the Department of Botany.

DJ Cuppy had, on June 21, 2021, posted a statement on her media page, hinting at the possibility of having a relationship with a botanist.

"I'm all yours" - Nigerian man graduates first class in botany, reminds DJ Cuppy of her post about dating a botanist Nigerian man.

She wrote: “I want to date a botanist or geologist.”

In the same year, the young man replied, asking her to give him one more year for him to wrap up his degree. He wrote: “Give me one more year, and I’m all yours.”

Just a few years later, the young man updated his page with a fresh post, revealing he is now a graduate with first-class honors from the Department of Botany at a Nigerian university.

He said: “@cuppymusic, 2 years later and a first-class honors! B.Sc. (Hons) BOTANY. Also the best graduating student, Department of Botany.”

Attached to his post is a video, confirming his statement.



2 years later and a first class honors!https://t.co/p2O3MAflDM. (Hons) BOTANY

Also the best graduating student, department of Botany. https://t.co/7OqW8JxtcJ pic.twitter.com/FhAmblZjQU

— Readone (@Hamzatridwan_) January 18, 2024

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