I Would Love To Be Part Of Eagles’ Coaching Crew –Enyeama

3 months ago 30

Former Nigerian international, Vincent Enyeama has expressed his readiness to be part of the Super Eagles coaching crew if he ‘s offered the job.

Recall that the 41-year-old announced his shock retirement in 2015 after making over a 100 appearances.

However, Enyeama, who is known for his impressive display with the senior national team during his playing days, said in an interview with Lagos Talk that he’s willing to bring his experience over the years in Europe to help the team.

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“Becoming a goalkeeper coach, first of all, I’m not yet certified. If they want me to be like Zidane, who was not yet certified, but Real Madrid had faith in him, it can happen.

“I don’t have a problem if they wake up tomorrow and say, Vincent, come and be part of the setup- I will gladly do it. I can never say no to my country, I have always said that.

“I can never say no to Nigeria. I will bring my experience over the years in Europe, and we will do it. But they have to call me first.”

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