Impact Wrestling Results – August 1, 2024

1 month ago 22

Impact Wrestling

Date: August 1, 2024

Location: Verdun Auditorium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re still in Montreal and in this case we have a pretty stacked show. First up, the World Title is on the line as Nic Nemeth is defending against Mustafa Ali in a match that feels like it could use more than a week of build. We also have a wedding, as PCO and Steph de Lander are having a rapid fire wedding, which feels ripe for interruption. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Rascalz vs. Mike Bailey/Kushida/Trent Seven

Kushida wristlocks Miguel to start and takes him down with a wristdrag. That doesn’t work for the Rascalz, who start the fast paced comeback, only for Bailey to come in for the bouncing kicks. It’s off to Seven for the step up flipping backsplash and a near fall as the fast start continues. Lee sends Seven into the corner and it’s Wentz coming in with a rather extended Bronco Buster.

Seven chops Miguel out of the air though and hits a DDT for a double breather. Kushida comes back in for the basement dropkick into the Hoverboard Lock, with Wentz having to make the save. Lee is back up with the Cardiac Kick but Seven pulls him down from the top with the swinging slam for two. The Seven Star Lariat looks to set up the Ultimate Weapon to Miguel but Wentz makes the save. Miguel takes out Bailey and Kushida, leaving Hot Fire Flame to finish Seven at 8:13.

Result: Rascalz b. Mike Bailey/Kushida/Trent Seven – Hot Fire Flame to Seven (8:13)

Jordynne Grace doesn’t think much of Ash By Elegance and issues an open challenge for next week.

Campaign Singh is on the phone with Mustafa Ali, who questions his loyalty. Singh will figure out a way to prove it.

Rosemary vs. Kristara

Rosemary has a butcher knife before powering Kristara into the corner to start. The Upside down has Kristara in more trouble but she’s back up with a fisherman’s suplex for two. Not that it matters as Rosemary grabs As Above So Below for the pin at 2:10.

Result: Rosemary b. Kristara – As Above So Below (2:10)

Post match Rosemary puts a black rose on her chest.

The System says they’ll be back after a terrible night.

Mike Santana doesn’t want the System to forget their unfinished business. Campaign Singh is ready to prove his loyalty by facing Santana tonight. Santana will go make it happen.

Josh Alexander is introduced but we go to him in the back, where he says he doesn’t owe anyone an expectation. He is the greatest Canadian wrestler today and he opened doors so Joe Hendry could walk through them and so you could believe in Nic Nemeth. He’s done caring about the people.

Ryan Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian

The bell rings and Kazarian goes to the ring announcer to insists that he is introduced as the King Of TNA. Somehow Nemeth is knocked down anyway but starts working on the arm to take over. A dropkick puts Kazarian down but he’s back up with suplex into the corner as we take a break. Back with Nemeth firing off right hands and hitting some clotheslines, setting up a neckbreaker for two. Kazarian is right back with a shot of his own but Fade To Black doesn’t work. The slingshot cutter does though and Nemeth is done at 8:20.

Result: Frankie Kazarian b. Ryan Nemeth – Slingshot cutter (8:20)

Post match here is Josh Alexander to give Nemeth a C4 Spike.

Ultimate X is back at Emergence.

Masha Slamovich vs. Jody Threat

Alisha Edwards and Dani Luna are here too and this is a rematch from Bloodsport, where Slamovich won. Threat runs her over to start and hits a quick shoulder for two. Edwards grabs the leg though and Slamovich pulls Threat down by the hair to take over. The chinlock is broken up and Threat sends her into the ropes for some running knees to the back. Slamovich is right back with a sitout powerbomb for two so Alisha puts a title around the turnbuckle, ala at Slammiversary. Slamovich goes into it instead and Shove It finishes for Threat at 4:50.

Result: Jody Threat b. Masha Slamovich – Shove It (4:50)

Video on Joe Hendry’s rise.

Mike Santana vs. Campaign Singh

Singh jumps him to start but gets knocked into the corner for a dropkick to the back of the head. Santana puts him down again and hits Spin The Block for the pin at 1:52.

Result: Mike Santana b. Campaign Singh – Spin The Block (1:52)

Post match Santana promises to win the World Title, but he’ll start with Moose.

TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth vs. Mustafa Ali

Nemeth is defending and grabs a headlock to start. They trade shoulders until Nemeth dropkicks him out to the floor without much trouble. Back in and they run the ropes until Nemeth hits a hard clothesline before hammering away in the corner. Ali sends him chest first into the corner to take over, only to have Nemeth send him face first into the buckle. They go outside where Ali hits a quick electric chair drop and we take a break.

Back with Ali fighting out of a chinlock and getting two off a backslide. A neckbreaker puts Ali down again and the ten elbows keep him in trouble. Nemeth’s top rope DDT connects but Ali kicks him down to block the superkick. Nemeth backdrops him out to the floor and there’s a slingshot into the post. Cue the Secret Service for a distraction, allowing Ali to grab a Sharpshooter. That’s broken up and Nemeth hits a superkick into the Danger Zone to retain at 14:28.

Result: Nic Nemeth b. Mustafa Ali – Danger Zone (14:28)

Post match Josh Alexander comes out for a staredown.

It’s time for the wedding of PCO and Steph de Lander with Santino Marella officiating. Rhino (wearing a tie over his gear) is the best man and Xia Brookside is the maid of honor (in black of course). Naturally de Lander has the Bride of Frankenstein hairdo and they have a rather odd set of vows, including never complaining when the electricity bill is too high. Marella calls the groom Pico, with PCO screaming instead of saying any vows. They exchange rings (one of them still has a finger) but cue First Class to interrupt.

Or never mind as they say get your freak on. They kiss….and Matt Cardona is back, complete with a gift. That would be…part of a brick, which he uses to knock out PCO. Cardona says the Digital Media Title is his and tells de Lander to come with him…but she screams at Cardona instead. PCO gets up and Cardona leaves on his own, shouting about how it’s not supposed to be this way. De Lander cries to end the show.


Rascalz b. Trent Seven/Kushida/Mike Bailey – Hot Fire Flame to Seven

Rosemary b. Kristara – As Above So Below

Frankie Kazarian b. Ryan Nemeth – Slingshot cutter

Dani Luna b. Masha Slamovich – Shove It

Mike Santana b. Campaign Singh – Spin The Block

Nic Nemeth b. Mustafa Ali – Danger Zone

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