Impact Wrestling Results – January 25, 2024

7 months ago 31

Impact Wrestling

Date: January 25, 2024

Location: Palms Casino Resort, Paradise, Nevada

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re on the second week of the regular show and things got a bit more interesting last week. Nic Nemeth is around and already has a target on his back thanks to Steve Maclin. Other than that, Josh Alexander seems back on top of his game after beating Will Ospreay in a rather good match. Let’s get to it.

In Memory Of Frank Caiazzo, better known as Francisco Ciatso, an independent wrestler who passed away recently.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence, now with Cross The Line.

Chris Bey vs. Kevin Knight

Ace Austin is here with Bey, who starts with a headlock. Knight powers out of that and grabs an armdrag, followed by a slam. That’s not working for Bey, as he sends Knight outside and hits a hard dive. Back in and Knight hits a springboard clothesline for two but Bey catches him in the ropes. A springboard legdrop to the back of the head sets up the Art Of Finesse for the pin on Knight at 6:47.

Result: Chris Bey b. Kevin Knight – Art Of Finesse (6:47)

Post match the Grizzled Young Veterans run in to lay out ABC.

Ash By Elegance video.

We look back at Frankie Kazarian snapping on Eric Young last week.

Rich Swann asks what’s up with Kazarian, who blows him off. With Kazarian gone, AJ Francis comes up to say he wants to be in Swann’s corner, but Swann isn’t impressed.

Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius vs. Damian Drake/Dante King

Alpha Bravo is here with Dango/Prudius. Drake gets ran over and sent outside to start as Dango has a seat on the ramp. Dango bothers to come in and hits a Nightmare On Helm Street to finish King at 1:42.

Result: Oleg Prudius/Dirty Dango b. Damian Drake/Dante King – Nightmare On Helm Street to King (1:42)

The Grizzled Young Veterans say they weren’t pinned at Hard To Kill so they want a Tag Team Title shot. Santino Marella comes in to say that doesn’t work but ABC comes in to say they want a fight. Santino makes a 2/3 series for the titles, starting next week.

The Motor City Machine Guns and Kazuchika Okada are ready for the System.

Knockouts Title: Trinity vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace is defending and, after the Big Match Intros, gets punched up against the ropes. Trinity pulls her into Starstruck but Grace is right next to the ropes. A splits splash gets two but Grace is back with a spinebuster for two of her own as we take a break. Back with Grace countering a neckbreaker out of the corner, setting up a Vader Bomb for two.

A hanging headscissor driver gives Trinity two as commentary talks about everything else coming on the show. Grace takes her up top for a superplex and then rolls into a Jackhammer for another near fall. Not to be out done, Trinity grabs her full nelson bomb into a rollup for two of her own. An exchange of rollups for two each set up Starstruck but Grace reverses into a cradle for the pin to retain at 11;15.

Result: Jordynne Grace b. Trinity – Cradle (11:15)

Post match Gisele Shaw, Jai Vidal and Savannah Evans run in for the beatdown and leave Grace and Trinity laying.

The System is ready to go international tonight.

Josh Alexander is proud of his win last week but Alan Angels interrupts and wants Alexander on his new talk show. Sure why not.

Nic Nemeth vs. Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel is here with Wentz and this is Nemeth’s first ever match outside of WWE or its minor leagues. Nemeth wrestles him to the ropes to start but Wentz gets in a shot to the face. A handspring knee to the face misses for Wentz but Miguel offers a distraction, allowing Wentz to take it to the floor.

Back in and Wentz chokes away until Miguel gets in a cheap shot of his own. Nemeth fights up and hits a Stinger Splash into a neckbreaker, only to miss a charge into the post. An exchange of rollups sets up Nemeth’s running DDT for two, followed by Wentz’s spinning half nelson slam for two. Back up and the Danger Zone (Zig Zag) finishes for Nemeth at 7:32.

Result: Nic Nemeth b. Zachary Wentz – Danger Zone (7:32)

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to jump Nemeth but gets Danger Zoned as well.

Crazzy Steve says he doesn’t like listening to people but Rhino comes in to say maybe he should make Steve listen. Rhino shoves him down and Steve laughs.

Decay, in a white room, talk about being back to normal and being glad to be away from their too nice versions.

Dani Luna/Jody Threat vs. MK Ultra

Luna powers Slamovich down to start and Threat adds a basement lariat for two. Things settle down a bit and MK double teams Luna down to take over, including a suplex into a legdrop. Luna runs Kelly over though and it’s off to Threat to clean house. Kelly catches Threat on top though and it’s a double piledriver to give Slamovich the pin at 3:35.

Result: MK Ultra b. Dani Luna/Jody Threat – Double piledriver to Slamovich (3:35)

Motor City Machine Guns/Kazuchika Okada vs. System

That would be Moose/Eddie Edwards/Brian Myers with Alisha Edwards. Shelley and Myers start things off but we get a six way staredown in less than fifteen seconds. We take a break and come back with Okada coming in for a staredown with Moose. The latter runs him over with a shoulder but the spear and Rainmaker both miss.

Sabin comes in to take on Edwards, with a leg crank keeping Edwards in trouble. That’s broken up and everything breaks down and the villains take over on Sabin. Myers grabs the chinlock and we take another break. Back again with Sabin hitting a middle rope double clothesline, followed by a heck of a springboard tornado DDT for two on Edwards. Shelley comes back in and the Guns get to clean house.

Sabin kicks Shelley in the face by mistake though and Edwards hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sabin is fine enough to hit a high crossbody and another DDT allows the tag off to Okada. House is cleaned and a neckbreaker gets two on Moose. There’s the top rope elbow to Moose but the Rainmaker is blocked. Moose cuts him off with a dropkick and they’re both down. Everything breaks down and Edwards hits the Backpack Stunner for two on Shelley. Moose is back in but gets kicked to the floor again. The Rainmaker into Shell Shock finishes Myers at 19:31.

Result: Motor City Machine Guns/Kazuchika Okada b. System – Shell Shock to Myers (19:31)

We see a bunch of people standing around with someone talking about a change. It’s time for a sudden change with a new x-actor. He is Mustafa Ali and he approves this message.


Chris Bey b. Kevin Knight – Art Of Finesse

Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius b. Damian Drake/Dante King – Nightmare On Helm Street to King

Jordynne Grace b. Trinity – Cradle

MK Ultra b. Dani Luna/Jody Threat – Double piledriver to Threat

Motor City Machine Guns/Kazuchika Okada b. System – Shell Shock to Myers

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