Impact Wrestling Results – March 14, 2024

6 months ago 37

Impact Wrestling

Date: March 14, 2024

Location: St. Clair College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re done with Sacrifice and the big stories coming out of the rather good show are both Tag Team Titles changing hands. The System and Spitfire picked up some gold and that could make things more interesting going forward. Other than that, it is time to get ready for Rebellion and we should be in for the start of the build this week. Let’s get to it.

Sacrifice recap.

Opening sequence.

X-Division Title: Chris Sabin vs. Mustafa Ali

Sabin is challenging in his rematch from No Surrender, where he lost the title to Ali. Sabin jumps the security to start and atomic drops Ali into the corner. Ali gets tied in the Tree of Woe for some strategically placed standing, followed by a sliding dropkick to the face. Back up and Ali takes over on Sabin, setting up a quickly broken chinlock.

Ali pulls him back down into the chinlock before planting the countering Sabin with a DDT. It’s too early for the 450 and Sabin kicks him down for a breather. Neither can hit a powerbomb so they trade superkicks for a double knockdown. Ali avoids a charge in the corner and grabs the title but charges into a clothesline. Sabin picks up the title instead but the distraction lets Ali roll him up with feet on the ropes to retain at 10:00.

Result: Mustafa Ali b. Chris Sabin – Rollup with feet on the ropes (10:00)

Nic Nemeth, Mike Bailey and Trent Seven are ready for the Rascalz and Steve Maclin. They might just want some gold as well.

Here is the headgear-less Josh Alexander for a chat. Alexander says he’s called the Walking Weapon because he knows no one is better than he is when he can be focused. He proved that when he beat Will Ospreay and when he set the record for longest World Title reign in history. Now he wants the title back, but he knows there are rungs on the ladder to get there.

This includes Hammerstone, who had to cheat and then take his headgear. Hammerstone was tapping too and now Alexander is ready for another fight. Instead here are Alpha Bravo and Oleg Prudius, with Alexander saying he wants Dirty Dango. Cue Dango, who is tossed out in a hurry, but Prudius jumps Alexander. Cue Santino Marella to make the match right now.

Josh Alexander vs. Oleg Prudius

Prudius jumps him to start but gets ankle locked for the tap at 50 seconds.

Result: Josh Alexander b. Oleg Prudius – Ankle lock (0:50)

Here is Crazzy Steve for a chat. Steve thought people knew who he was and more people, like Tommy Dreamer, Rhino and Joe Hendry have started to learn that. He is the only champion who defends his title every time he’s out there. No man alive can understand that so cue PCO for a staredown.

Ace Austin vs. Frankie Kazarian

Chris Bey is here with Austin and this is fallout from Kazarian talking trash after the ABC lost the Tag Team Titles at Sacrifice. Austin sends him into the corner to start and fires off clotheslines. Kazarian is knocked out to the floor but manages a neck snap across the top for a needed breather.

Back in and Kazarian pulls him off the top as we take a break. We come back with Austin hitting a springboard spinning kick to the head for two. Kazarian blocks the kick’s sequel and grabs an electric chair suplex for his own near fall. Fade To Black is blocked so Austin tries a rollup, only to get pulled into the chickenwing for the tap at 9:05.

Result: Frankie Kazarian b. Ace Austin – Chickenwing (9:05)

Post match Kazarian keeps up the beating but Eric Young runs in for the save.

The System brags about their success.

The Grizzled Young Veterans interrupt Time Machine and Alex Shelley offers a match with the Time Splitters.

AJ Francis vs. Joe Hendry

This is fallout from Francis costing Hendry the Digital Media Title at Sacrifice. Before the match, Hendry talks about Francis showing his emotions and starts an AJ SUCKS chant. The opposite of that is WE BELIEVE but Francis jumps him from behind. Of course Hendry wants to go and he hammers away in the corner to put Francis in trouble.

A suplex drops Hendry though and we hit the chinlock. Hendry fights up and hits some clotheslines into a DDT and they’re both down. The big slam gives Hendry two but the referee gets crushed in the corner. Cue Rich Swann to chair Hendry down as we have a heel turn, which allows Francis to hit a chokeslam for the pin at 6:25.

Result: AJ Francis b. Joe Hendry – Chokeslam (6:25)

Alan Angels, in a neck brace, is ready to have Ash By Elegance on the Sound Check but her handler isn’t happy with the setup. Angels gushes over how happy he is to meet Ash, who has a big announcement: she’s having her third match next week. And that’s it.

Spitfire vs. Beaa Moss/Vanna Black

Non-title and points for Black for having a creative name. Hold on though as here s MK Ultra to join us before the bell. And we’ll add Decay as well. Luna slams Moss to start and it’s off to Threat for a running shoulder. Luna comes back in and suplexes both of them, setting up an assisted sitout spinebuster to pin Black at 2:05.

Result: Spitfire b. Beaa Moss/Vanna Black – Assisted sitout spinebuster to Black (2:05)

Here is Tasha Steelz to say Jordynne Grace didn’t pin her so she wants a Knockouts Title shot next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Rascalz/Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth/Speedball Mountain

Nemeth and Wentz start things off with the former easily wrestling his way out of early trouble. Maclin comes in and is quickly Fameassered for two, meaning Speedball Mountain gets to come in for a double chop. Bailey’s running shooting star gets two but Maclin grabs a backbreaker for two of his own. It’s off to Seven for his sitout slam for two on Miguel and we take a break.

Back with Seven kicking his way out of trouble and sending Maclin out to the floor. The diving tag looks to bring in Bailey but Maclin pulls him to the floor in a move that will always work. Seven finally knocks Miguel down and brings Nemeth in to clean house. The Rascalz are sent outside and the running DDT hits Maclin. Everything breaks down and Maclin’s big dive hits Miguel by mistake. The Rascalz walk out, leaving Maclin to get triple teamed into the Danger Zone for the pin at 14:11.

Result: Nic Nemeth/Speedball Mountain b. Steve Maclin/Rascalz – Danger Zone to Maclin (14:11)

Post match the System runs in for the big beatdown to end the show.


Mustafa Ali b. Chris Sabin – Rollup with feet on the ropes

Josh Alexander b. Oleg Prudius – Ankle lock

Frankie Kazarian b. Ace Austin – Chickenwing

AJ Francis b. Joe Hendry – Chokeslam

Spitfire b. Beaa Moss/Vanna Black – Assisted sitout spinebuster to Black

Nic Nemeth/Speedball Mountain b. Steve Maclin/Rascalz – Danger Zone to Maclin

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