Independent candidate to challenge dominance of NPP in Sunyani East Constituency

1 month ago 11

Mr Ransford Antwi, an independent candidate for the Sunyani East Constit­uency, has pledged to challenge the longstanding dominance of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the forthcoming general elections.

The NPP has held this constitu­ency since 1996; however, Mr Ant­wi said he remained undeterred by the ruling party’s stronghold, citing their failure to meet the develop­mental needs of the local populace as the reason for his optimism.

He indicated that lack of devel­opment of the area, had motivated several influential figures within the constituency and abroad to encourage his candidacy, aiming to provide the community with renewed hope and a commitment to progress.

As a businessman and philan­thropist based in Sunyani, Mr Antwi believed that his established reputation for honesty and integ­rity had garnered him significant support from the electorate.

He expressed confidence in win­ning their support in December, bolstered by a recent survey from Infoanalytic, which identified him as the favoured candidate among constituents.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghanaian Times in Sunyani on Thursday, he indicated that he had a solid team on the ground work­ing hard to maintain the momen­tum and leaving nothing to chance.

“When I declared my intention to contest, some people thought I was just joking and that I would collect money from other contes­tants and abandon my dream. But I want to assure you that I am in it for the long haul,” he said.

Mr Antwi said his primary focus would be on development and job creation, vowing to equip a signif­icant portion of the youth with skills that enhance their employ­ability if he is elected.

He expressed concern that the Sunyani East Constituency and the broader Sunyani area have dimin­ished in stature due to the absence of substantial developmental initiatives.

“The deteriorating condition of Sunyani’s roads, characterised by potholes, the neglected regional library, and the absence of a sports stadium for the constituency are among the issues I intends to address if I secures victory in the election,” he said.

He said the current condition of Sunyani, as the capital of the Bono Region, did not reflect its rightful status and urged the community to unite in order to transform this situation.

Mr Antwi also revealed his inten­tion to establish a dedicated office to provide assistance to those in need and to organise town hall meetings aimed at gathering com­munity input to enhance service delivery.

“We need to train the youth in employable skills to enable them to create their own jobs. Hence, I plan to establish a youth train­ing centre similar to the Sunyani Development Youth Association, where many people are learning dressmaking and kente weaving,” Mr Antwi said.

The former Majority Leader in Parliament, J.H. Mensah, won the seat for the first time from 1996 to 2004 and handed it over to the current MP, Akwasi Ameyaw Cheremeh.

In 2016, former Ghanaian Am­bassador to Nigeria, Mr George Kumi, broke ranks with the NPP and contested as an independent candidate but lost to the incumbent Member of Parliament


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