Instagram has unveiled a new app. The social media platform revealed Edits, a new video creation app by Instagram available for pre-order as of Sunday (January 19) in the iOS App Store, and coming to Android soon. “Today we’re announcing a new app called ‘Edits’ for those of you who are passionate about making videos on your phone. There’s a lot going on right now, but no matter what happens, it’s our job to provide the best possible tools for creators,” the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, explained. Keep reading to find out more… “Edits is more than a video editing app; it’s a full suite of creative tools. There will be a dedicated tab for inspiration, another for keeping track of early ideas, a much higher-quality camera (which I used to record this video), all the editing tools you’d expect, the ability to share drafts with friends and other creators, and — if you decide to share your videos on Instagram — powerful insights into how those videos perform,” he continued. “You can preorder the app today in the iOS App Store, and it’s coming to Android soon. The app won’t be available to download until next month, and in the meantime, we’re going to work with a handful of video creators to get their feedback and improve the experience. DM this to a friend who might be interested. 🙏🏼” Watch Adam Mosseri’s video for more details and see a screenshot inside…