Internet rallies around Dolly Parton after right wing site targets her for LGBTQ support

3 months ago 22

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Dolly Parton is one of those celebrities whom everyone loves. Late last year, however, you could see some a-holes on the right were testing the waters. After all, one of the things that Republicans are most bothered by is a strong, powerful, well-liked woman. Dolly, who is 77, performed at the Thanksgiving Day halftime show for the Dallas Cowboys/Washington Commanders game. She dressed up as a Cowboys cheerleader, looking incredible in a crop top and white mini shorts. Oooh, some right-wing trolls got big mad at that! The fake outrage died down fairly quickly when everyone else made it pretty clear that you do not come for Dolly Parton.

Well, in the neverending Republican culture war, if at first you don’t succeed, look deeper to create something even more heinous to make a big deal over. Last week, right-wing magazine The Federalist, which is co-founded by Meghan “Do You Know Who My Father Is” McCain’s husband, decided it was time to fire another shot at Dolly. This time, writer Ericka Andersen went after Dolly’s Christian faith and support for the LGBTQ+ community. Big mistake. HUGE. Alarms were sounded and the cavalry rode to Dolly’s defense in one collective, ”Oh no you didn’t.”

Fans of 11-time Grammy Award–winning singer Dolly Parton came to her aid this week, in response to a tacky, homophobic hit piece published by a right-wing magazine. The Federalist is a conservative outlet that has previously taken aim at Taylor Swift, accusing her of indoctrinating her listeners into man-hating feminism, a thinly veiled grievance about their inability to control the thoughts of young women. Now it’s taken aim at the Queen of Country herself, likely for much the same reason.

The newest article took issue with Parton using her Christian faith as a rationale for her acceptance of all people, including those who identify as LGBTQ+.

“Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior, (be who you are she said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity,” the author wrote, going on to compare Parton to a secular leader spreading “false gospel.”

Trying to cut down such a beloved figure and awarded philanthropist is pretty ridiculous, and especially ironic for a publication that previously published an article pushing for her to be the next president of the United States.

The publication of this wildly homophobic tirade was timed to hitch a ride on the wave of attention Parton has received since announcing her new musical, Hello, I’m Dolly! Now, as one user on X declared, “they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.”

Users warned conservatives not to hurt themselves, dying on a hill against the army of the Backwoods Barbie. “If you ever doubted that MAGA is a suicide cult, they’re coming after Dolly Parton. Kool-aid can’t be far behind,” wrote one user.

“Folks, a land war in Asia is the SECOND biggest blunder anyone can make. The first? Coming for Dolly Parton,” wrote another. A different user simply proclaimed, “No. You do not come after Dolly Parton. You absolutely do not.”

Hundreds of X users joined in a chorus of support for their beautiful, blonde, big-haired leader. At the end of the day, old homophobes can’t hold a candle to the influence of stars like Parton—no one can light up the masses like they do. And as the old Parton adage goes: “A loose tongue can lead to broken teeth.”

[From New Republic]

Imagine thinking that you could come for Dolly Parton – during Pride no less! – and believe that it would end well. Dolly espouses more of the values that Jesus Christ taught than any of these Christian nationalist wannabe authoritarians ever have. It’s hilarious that Andersen did the whole “false gospel” route because last I checked, Jesus preached to love your neighbor, treat others as you want to be treated, forgive, and reject hatred. But preaching tolerance does not win votes, apparently. And if Andersen thinks that they won’t come for her eventually, then I’ve got a face-eating leopard to sell her. (She did repent, telling Yahoo! Entertainment that she regrets “Using Dolly as the example for the point I was making.”)

Anyway, conservatives, cry more. Dolly is talented, inclusive of all fans, and has a heart of gold. Her charitable organization, Dollywood Foundation, has given millions towards children’s literacy, scholarships, hospitals, and animal rescue organizations. Meanwhile, megachurch leaders are buying private jet and big homes with church tithing. Dolly also famously donated $1 million for Covid vaccine research. Oh, and in 2020, she told The Guardian that she isn’t “that good a Christian to think that I am so good that I can judge people. That’s God’s job, not mine.” So yeah, Dolly rocks and everybody knows it.

they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.

— shauna (@goldengateblond) June 7, 2024

Dolly Parton has been more Christ-like than every mega church pastor and most so-called Christians. And she does it quietly and without a big fuss.

— sheologian (@sheologian) June 7, 2024

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