‘Invest in youth to unlock potential’

1 month ago 12

 The  government has been urged to invest in the well-being of the youth to help unlock their full potential to contribute towards a resilient future for the country.

Investing in the youth was im­portant as they made up 12 million of the country’s population, the Acting Director of National Popu­lation Council Secretariat (NPCS), Mrs Florence Hagan, has said.

“With 12 million young people in Ghana, we recognise the potential for growth, innovation, and prog­ress. The youth need opportunities to promote a brighter future,” she emphasised this in a speech read on her behalf by the Head of Pop­ulation and Development Unit of NPCS, Mrs Naomi Osei.

This was at a press conference organised by The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in commemoration of the World Population Day to address growing population issues and the impact of young people towards the development of the country.

The event which was on the theme, “The power of 12 million youth as key drivers towards a resilient and equitable future for Ghana”, discussed ways young people could contribute towards economic growth, and how they could be included in the decision making process of the country.

It was attended by representa­tives from University of Ghana (UG), NPC and Regional Insti­tute for Population Studies, and students to discuss the Ghanaian youth perspective of the state of the world population report.

Mrs Osei said that NPCS had developed and implement­ed youth-focused policies and strategies such as the Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy for Young People in Ghana (Revised Edition, 2017) that had enhanced youth development.

She explained that NPCS had been at the forefront of promoting gender equality and the empow­erment of young women through partnerships with various agencies.

Similarly, Mrs Osei said that NPCS had addressed issues such as early marriage, gender-based violence and access to education, adding that the NPCS was commit­ted to ensuring that young women had the opportunities and support they needed to thrive and contrib­ute to our nation’s development.

The Country Representative of UNFPA, Dr Wilfred Ochan, in a speech read on his behalf by the Programmes Specialist of Adoles­cent and Youth of UNFPA, Mrs Adjoa Yenyi, said that the media played a crucial role in helping to announce the important role the youth played in development.

“It is therefore, important to reflect on youth development as a key factor across all sectors because the youth are the bedrock of our working population, and their ability to possess the right skills, health, and capacity plays a crucial role in sustainable development,” she added.


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