Is Prince Harry planning to executive-produce a docuseries about his mother?

1 day ago 7

Prince Harry’s Spare was an excellent read and I still maintain that Harry accomplished something no other Windsor has done: he created his own historical record, one which will be referenced for years to come. He wrote a definitive account of his own life and times, successfully altering dozens of false tabloid narratives about himself and his family. What was also interesting about Spare was watching people parse and exploit various parts of Harry’s story… and then ignoring other parts. Harry made it clear in Spare that he thinks he was fed some kind of cover story about his mother’s death, and that he still has questions about everything leading up to Diana’s death and everything around it. Oddly, the British tabloids didn’t have much to say about those parts of Spare.

I’ve always felt like part of the reason why Harry has pursued his security fight with Ravec is because he’s investigating how Diana was left without security in the final year of her life. What’s also interesting, just as a sidenote, is how The Crown absolutely left the impression that the Windsors and British intelligence were heavily monitoring Diana post-divorce, and that Charles was especially consumed by keeping track of his ex-wife. In any case, Harry still has a lot of unfinished business when it comes to Diana. Would he try to work out this unfinished business in documentary form? That’s what the Express is saying.

Prince Harry will be offered the chance to make a documentary to mark the 30th anniversary of his mother Princess Diana’s death, a senior Hollywood source has revealed. The two or three-part series would air in 2027, three decades after Diana was killed in a horrific car crash in Paris in August 1997, as part of a new long-term Netflix deal for the Sussexes.

“The idea is that it would be a solo project for Harry, who would be a co-executive producer as well as hosting and narrating the series,” said the Los Angeles source. “He is uniquely placed, not only to talk about the woman he knew as his mother, but also to examine her role as an enduring social and cultural icon still beloved by so many.”

The production executive added: “It’s felt that this is something he would handle with passion and sensitivity, offering fresh insights into not only her life, but also her lasting legacy.”

Our source added: “Nothing has been agreed yet but this is being talked about in an extremely positive way. Harry might even see it as a stepping stone to building bridges with William and the rest of his family.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s generous £77.2million agreement with the streaming giant, signed in 2020, comes to an end this year. Now the California-based pair look certain to be offered a fresh contract, as Netflix is to enter into a commercial partnership with the couple.

[From The Daily Express]

I honestly don’t think this is the worst idea, just the basics of it: Harry executive producing a docuseries about his mother, perhaps a more in-depth analysis of Diana’s life, death and legacy than anyone has ever done. But I also think it probably wouldn’t happen and/or that Harry just fundamentally wouldn’t agree to it. I don’t think he would pitch this, nor do I think he would handle it well if Netflix pitched this to him. Now… for the 30th anniversary of Diana’s death, I’m sure a lot of documentarians and journalists will be contacting Harry and asking him to speak about Diana. We’ll see.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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